Tariq the Corn Kid

'The Drew Barrymore Show' Got 'Corn Kid' To Try These Other Vegetables!

Home / Entertainment / 'The Drew Barrymore Show' Got 'Corn Kid' To Try These Other Vegetables!

By Melanie VanDerveer on September 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM EDT

Spoiler alert! "Corn Kid's" favorite vegetable is still corn.

While visiting "The Drew Barrymore Show" earlier this week, Tariq, otherwise known as "Corn Kid," had some fun trying out different vegetables and giving his opinions along the way. Tariq was a good sport and tried out a few vegetables that sometimes get mixed reviews, and according to his reactions, he agrees with the negative reviews.

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 Round 1 - Brussels Sprouts

"Why do these look so much like baby lettuces?" Tariq asked as he was about to try the vegetable that sometimes gets a bad rap. "Let's try them," he said as he puts one on his fork. After a little taste he decides it's not the vegetable for him and says, "the juice is gross." (And remember, corn has the juice!)

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Tariq the Corn Kid
The Drew Barrymore Show - YouTube
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Round 2 - Cooked Cherry Tomatoes

At first glance of the tomatoes, Tariq looked a bit disgusted. "I hate tomatoes. So that's a no-no." he proudly said. "It tastes like my worst nightmare." That was a rap for the tomatoes before he even gave them a fighting chance.

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Tariq the Corn Kid
The Drew Barrymore Show - YouTube

Round 3 - Onions

Of course, of all the rounds, the onions took the top spot for comedy purposes. "I'm scared to try these because they're gonna burn my eyes," he said before tasting. "Oh my gosh, I make the worst decisions," he said in what "The Drew Barrymore Show" felt was a "#Relatable" moment. Tariq's facial expression after trying some of the onion said all we needed to know about how much he likes this veggie. "Tell me it's not in my eye. My eyes! Why is my eyes burning," he said in what could be an award-winning performance. "Why is it so spicy?"

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Tariq the Corn Kid
The Drew Barrymore Show - YouTube

Tariq Declared Corn As His Number One Veggie...Again!

Recapping his experience at the end of the clip Tariq said, "That was fun, but corn is still my number one."

Followers of the show's TikTok page shared some comments about Tariq's funny experience.

"You gave him the worst veggies to try LOL"

"Should've tried them with butter. Would've changed everything."

"I'm so proud of him for trying! it's so hard to get kids to eat anything if they are picky"

"“I apologize for making a little mess” what a sweet kiddo 🥰"

"He's a mood! 😂😂😂"

"Tomatoes also taste like my worst nightmare too, kid. 😂"

"the way he is so relatable for both kids and adults 😭❤️"

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Tariq Also Loves MrBeast Burger

While Tariq clearly loves corn, he has been willing to try other foods without a fight. Just recently, he was a guest at the opening of MrBeast Burger in American Dream Mall in New Jersey, where he happily tried a famous MrBeast burger and gave his honest review.

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"Super good. Juicy, greasy and delicious," he said after taking a bite of the burger. "10 out of 10. Like, really good." He was then asked, "Would you like the burger more if there was corn?" to which Tariq responded without missing a beat, "Yup!"

Corn Kid
Dougies Life - YouTube
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Since the original "Corn Kid" interview by Recess Therapy went viral, Tariq has been enjoying an action-packed summer promoting his favorite vegetable. His interview was turned into a viral song no one can escape, he helped create a corn dance, made Cameo videos for fans, was recently named "Corn-Bassador" of South Dakota, visited the Corn Palace, and met a lot of great people along the way. Tariq also now has his own TikTok page so fans can keep up with all his "corntastic" adventures.

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