Howie The Crab Is Getting Ready To Molt Again And Fans Are Concerned
By Melanie VanDerveer on July 24, 2023 at 12:30 PM EDT
It's been about seven months since Howie the crab last molted, and it was a rough one. Fans from all over the world tuned into TikTok daily to make sure she was doing okay, and when she finally did molt, it was a relief for everyone.
But now that it's almost that time again, concern is building that the popular rainbow crab won't make it to the other side this time.
Howie The Crab Is Getting Ready For Another Molt

Because of Howie's older age, her last molt was difficult. It took a long time and at times, it didn't seem like there was a happy ending in sight. Now that it's time once again, the concern is building for the sweet little blue girl.
In a recently shared YouTube video, Howie's mom talked about the upcoming molt. She said that at 8-years-old, it's the equivalent to being about a 122-year-old human, making 8 old for her species.
"We still have a ways for this molt. She's still eating a little bit, but when she stops eating, it'll just be a race to see if she can regenerate her mouthparts, and stomach lining, and esophagus and intestines and gills before she runs out of stored calories," she said in the video.
"So, I think you guys have noticed that I am giving her a lot of high calorie foods. You guys might think of these as treats but you know she's an old lady and this is kind of desperate here to make sure that she can get through this molt."
She also explained that Howie has been a bit on the "crabby" side lately and doesn't want to be messed with much right now because she's "really full and things are uncomfortable."
The waiting game has officially begun and her mom said it will be like it was last December when the world watched what she went through during her tough molt.
"I appreciate everyone who is sticking with it, through it with us," she continued. "We love you guys. I just want my fans to know that I do care and I'm sorry if I don't get to everybody's comments and questions."
Howie's Mom Also Updated TikTok About #MoltWatch2023

"Howie is still very moody which is normal pre-molt behavior," the video reads. "Howie is refusing regular foods and only accepting caviar and cheese, but that's okay, she needs to protein and fat. All the energy she will use for molting will be from stored calories. Howie does not eat while she regenerates her mouthparts, stomach lining, intestines, and gills."
The video shared is captioned, "The molt is still on track and Howie is doing well. She's still a moody crab but she's forgiven me for being gone. It's normal for Howie not to eat very much right now but I'm very glad when she does eat! I am still estimating that her molt will be at the end of August."
Many of Howie's fans dropped into the comment section to ask some questions about this molt and talk about the last time around.
When one person asked how long it usually takes, Howie's mom responded, "It takes older crabs a couple months."

One fan wrote, "I’m not sure I can live through another molt over here. Was STRESSED last time." And another person added, "I am not emotionally over last year's molt watch!!!"
Another follower agreed that it was a stressful time in December saying, "🥺 Imma have to double my anxiety meds until she’s done."