Grandma Droniak

Grandma Droniak Spills The Tea On Why Bertha Is Not Invited To Her Funeral!

Home / Entertainment / Grandma Droniak Spills The Tea On Why Bertha Is Not Invited To Her Funeral!

By Melanie VanDerveer on March 31, 2023 at 12:45 AM EDT

Grandma Droniak is not a fan of Bertha!

The TikTok famous grandma has made that crystal clear many times in various TikTok videos in the past and recently reminded all her Instagram followers that Bertha is not invited to her funeral.

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Grandma Droniak Has Serious Beef With Bertha!

She's said it in the past on more than one occasion, but reminded her Instagram followers that Bertha is not her friend in a recent Instagram Story. The Story showed her dancing in front of a text message from the unliked Bertha.

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Grandma Droniak
Grandma Droniak - Instagram Story
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From the look of the text message, Bertha wants to make things right...whatever "things" may be. It appears that she reached out to TikTok's popular grandma to ask why she's not invited to her funeral and claimed that the issues the two of them have had in the past were many years ago. To sweeten the invitation to chat, Bertha said Grandma Droniak is invited to her funeral if she should happen to pass away before her. (Is this what we all have to look forward to later in life - deciding who's worthy of attending our funerals?)

The little dancy-dance Grandma Droniak did in front of the text message might suggest she couldn't care less about that invitation and has no intentions of replying to Bertha. But why, you might be wondering?

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The Drama Between These Two Is Intense And Long Lasting

If you're following the spunky grandma on Instagram, you might recall her birthday cake from a week ago. Inquiring minds wanted to know why Grandma Droniak despises Bertha so much.

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Grandma Droniak's birthday cake
Grandma Droniak - Instagram

So as a newer follower of the hilarious 94-year-old, I did a little digging to see what all the hatred is about so you wouldn't have to. In a March 2022 TikTok video that's pinned to the top of her feed, Grandma Droniak shares her list of rules for her funeral.

"Cry but not too much. Bertha isn't invited. Get drunk afterward," are listed as her rules. In the video, she explains each of these rules. When she gets to Bertha not being invited, all she says is, "Bertha is not invited. Don't let her in."

The quick and simple video received more than 39 million views and piqued more interest about the Bertha situation.

One follower wrote in the comments of the video, "We need story time on Bertha please!!! Who is she and why isn't she invited!?"

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More than 289,000 people liked that comment, so Grandma Droniak couldn't avoid the topic. She replied to the request, "That's all I'm gonna say about her because I bet she'll love this attention I'm giving her," and added a video response.

She began the reply video by saying she doesn't talk about people behind their backs, or gossip about anyone and she didn't want to start now.

"But I will tell you one thing. I cut Bertha out of my life for a long time," she said. "She was not a good person."

That's when the bomb was dropped. "She was trying to talk to my husband and I didn't like that either because she's a troublemaker," she said adamantly. Her reasons continued after that doozy of a revelation.

"She tried to copy off whatever I wore, she had to wear it too. Now she knows I'm a celebrity and she gets jealous cause I stay away from her," she explained.

Grandma Droniak then once again reminded everyone that Bertha is not allowed to be at her funeral, and if she shows up, "Kick her out."

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Grandma Droniak's Followers Have Her Back

Grandma Droniak
Grandma Droniak - Instagram

Many of Grandma Droniak's followers left their thoughts on the situation.

"Bertha is canceled," one person wrote. Another added, "Wouldn't want to be Bertha right now."

Another follower made it clear that there's power in numbers and if Bertha shows up to grandma's funeral, they've got it handled saying, "So we're all jumping Bertha if she shows up." With 18,000 likes on that comment, Bertha might want to consider staying in her lane and far away from the funeral.

One follower said we can all relate to this tea, "We all have a Bertha in our lives." Another person said they need to hear Bertha's side of this story.

Will we ever get Bertha's side of the story? Doubtful. Also doubtful...that we've heard the last about the war between Grandma Droniak and Bertha.
