Gwyneth Paltrow Confuses Much Of America, Including Me!
By Melanie VanDerveer on March 27, 2023 at 10:30 PM EDT
If you're not scratching your head in confusion after listening to anything Gwyneth Paltrow says, are you paying attention?
She's ruffled quite a few feathers in the past few years and many more in the past few weeks. Much of America seems to dislike her, or at the very least, be confused by her and her thought process. So, I'm sitting here wondering who is buying the crap she's selling - from her "wellness" routine to her candles that "smell like her vagina?"
Gwyneth Paltrow's "Wellness" Advice Confuses Me!

My kids' childhoods were filled with organic, or at least healthy food, holistic treatments, and some "attachment parenting." I mean, I was a breastfeeding, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, organic food-only mom for a long time. So, if anyone follows Paltrow's holistic advice and lifestyle, one might think it would be me. But for the record, it's not me at all.
I honestly want to know who's listening to Paltrow talk about her "wellness" routine and thinking they should try the nonsense she's spewing. Who sees a 10.5 oz candle named "This Smells Like My Vagina" being sold for $75 and decides they just have to have it? (And if anyone has purchased this, can you please help end the debate in my house on what the candle smells like?)

Not all of her Goop products have me confused, but most of them are pricy, more money than the average person wants to spend on skincare, supplements, or sex toys. (Yes, you can get various products on Goop's website.)
And for the record, Goop's Instagram page has 1.7 million followers, so plenty of people buy what Paltrow's selling.
Why Is She Sticking Ozone Gas Up Her Butt?

In case you missed this gem of information, Paltrow recently revealed that she's done ozone rectal therapy. And yes, it is as terrible as it sounds. (Side note, if this is "wellness," I'll stay "unwell" thank you.)
So, for those who are unaware of just what ozone rectal therapy is, it uses medical-grade ozone gas that's administered through an ozone-generator device, you guessed it, up your butthole via a catheter.

Dr. Stuart Fischer, an emergency medicine physician who's also studied alternative medicine, told The Daily Mail that the scientific evidence to back up rectal ozone therapy is "controversial at best," and that there could be "unknown side effects or unknown benefits."
In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration warned the therapy and its usage stating, "ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventative therapy."
With that said, why would anyone want to do this, and why would anyone listen to Paltrow, an actress and self-claimed wellness guru about it? I at least hope that if anyone heard she was doing this type of therapy and wanted to follow her lead, that they at least researched it and made a decision based on science and not just what Paltrow was doing.
Her Recent "Wellness" Routine Reveal Is "Unwell" In My Opinion

Rectal ozone therapy is not the only thing she's recently revealed that has my head spinning. A recent podcast where she talked about her daily "wellness" routine really has me confused and concerned.
Her idea of health and wellness includes barely eating, drinking bone broth as a meal, exercising for an hour with literally no food or nutrients in her, sweating it out in a sauna, and eating more vegetables than any other food. While I'm with her on eating lots of vegetables, I'm not with her on eating ONLY vegetables, or only paleo. That sounds unhealthy and to be quite honest, boring.
I'm far from the only person who is concerned about her telling the world this is a normal daily occurrence for her. Just a quick search on TikTok will give you a full list of videos to scroll through that talk about how upsetting that podcast was to so many people.

Since that podcast stirred the pot so much online and people started taking to social media to discuss all she's said, she has come forth to defend her lifestyle. She shared in an Instagram Story that she eats full meals. "I also have days where I eat whatever I want, french fries or whatever. My baseline has been to try to eat healthy and try to eat foods that really calm the system down."
If that's true, I wish she would have included that in her podcast. Those few sentences can really change a lot when it comes to her followers, fans, or just people who listened to the podcast. She has to know the influence she has over other people, right?
Am I a fan of hers? I think you can tell that I wouldn't label myself a fan, but I wouldn't say I hate her. My issue really is with the unhealthy truths that she's sharing and people thinking that it's actual health. With celebrities having a platform to change the world's views literally, I just wish she would talk a little more about things that can be considered actual health advice.