Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss Died With No Will, Wife Legally Files To Get Half Of Estate
By Mike Walters on February 8, 2023 at 6:40 PM EST
Updated on February 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM EST
Stephen ‘tWitch’ Bossdied without a will, forcing his wife to go to court to legally get control of half of their property and royalties he left behind.
According to new legal documents, obtained by The Blast, Allison Bossfiled what is called a spousal property petition, asking the court order that "property passing to the surviving spouse or surviving registered domestic partner without administration." In other words, everything should be placed into Allison's name following tWitch's tragic death.
In the filing, Allison claims Stephen died "intestate" which means without a will. It's interesting considering he took his own life, and it appears it might not have been a planned event. Mrs. Boss is also asking for "confirmation of property belonging to the surviving spouse."
At this point, it's unclear why she would need to file such a document if the couple was married, but it seems like it needed to be done legally.
Allison Holker Boss Files For Legal Control Of Late Husband's Estate

Interestingly, Allison Holkerpointed out in the documents that at the time of their marriage, in 2013, Stephen didn't have any money or property at all. "At the date of marriage decedent (tWithch) owned only personal effects of little value," she wrote. Adding, his "net worth on the date of marriage was nil."
She continued, "There are no written agreements between (Allison) and (Stephen) providing for a non-pro-rata division of the aggregate value of the community property."
So, she is asking a court to order half of all property to be transferred into her name making a list of the couple's companies and "property" -- including any royalties from his television career.
Here is the list:
1. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in Stephen Boss Productions, Inc. a California S Corporation.
2. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in Goldman Sachs Investment account.
3. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in royalties from Cast and Crew Production
4. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in royalties from Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
5. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in royalties from GEP Talent Services, LLC.
6. Undivided One-Half (1/2) interest in royalties from SAG/AFTRA.
Again, it's unclear why Allison would need to file legal documents to secure half of the family's money and businesses after her husband's death.
Stephen 'tWitch' Boss Died Without A Will

As we reported, tWitch died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The cause of death was confirmed by the L.A. County Corner's Office as a "suicide." According to reports, a 9-1-1 call was placed on the morning of December 13, 2022, by a worker of an L.A. motel -- after finding his body. The staff claims the beloved DJ was not in any type of distress and was not "visibly upset" while checked into the hotel. The 40-year-old DJ and 'Ellen' star had "one small bag" with him and had booked the room for only one night.
Stephen's wife -- Allison Holker Boss -- confirmed his death with a statement to the media reading, "He was the backbone of our family, the best husband and father, and an inspiration to his fans."
Mrs. Boss reportedly said there was no argument or obvious event in the DJ's life that would have prompted his suicide. One report suggested the beloved star left a note, outlining some of his "previous" struggles and issues.
In the end, we are guessing this will be easily ordered by the court, and his estate will be in the hands of his wife.