AEW's Darby Allin Almost Kills Himself Diving Off Ladder During Match
By Russ Weakland on May 13, 2022 at 5:30 PM EDT
When it comes to professional wrestling, there are endless moments that will be remembered forever. Whether it is a 5-star match, a funny skit backstage, an epic promo or in the case of AEW's Darby Allin, and his match with Jeff Hardy on the May 11th edition of AEW Dynamite for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, sometimes a wrestler like Allin does something so insane that you have to see it to believe it.
Now both men are well known to being daredevils and risking their bodies for our entertainment, but Allin may have done something even he won't be able to top.
Darby Allin Has His Dream Match With Jeff Hardy
Many wrestling fans have been clamoring for a match between Darby Allin and Jeff Hardy as they both have similar styles and a similar work ethic where they also enjoy adding high flying danger to their matches that consist of them performing crazy maneuvers from either a ladder or the top rope to varying degrees of success. It is a great and scary sight to see as a fan, but what Darby Allin did from the top of the ladder will likely be felt by him for a long time. Think of it this way, if you stub your toe, that hurts, just imagine diving off a ladder 16 feet or higher onto another human and a plethora of chairs. Ouch!
Darby Allin Makes Death Defying Ladder Dive
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As you'll see above, during the no disqualification match, things got more intense as the match went on and that is where Allin took things more into his hands and focused on doing something so crazy that you got scared for his well being. While setting up chairs outside the ring, Hardy was then placed on top of the chairs and Allin decided to climb a huge ladder to jump off of and since chairs and bodies don't bend to much, a sickening thud happened on the outside of the ring once Allin reached his destination. Many would think that the match would have ended there, but it was actually far from over. The end of the match actually came when Allin hit his patented Coffin Drop finisher on Hardy in the ring but was quickly rolled up for the three-count. Hardy actually took the victory to advance to the Semifinals of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament, where he will now challenge Adam Cole, who defeated Dax Harwood earlier that night.
Jeff Hardy Is One Of The Original Daredevils In Wrestling

Jeff Hardy has just recently joined AEW to allow this dream match to actually happen but for quite a long time he has had major successes both in WWE and TNA. The amount of amazing matches that Hardy has been involved in both by himself and with his brother Matt Hardy would be endless to count, along with that the amount of times he has risked his life diving off ladders and from other areas inside and outside of the ring certainly has made an impact on Allin.
Allin actually recently spoke to the NY Post about Jeff Hardy and him being an inspiration and now working with him saying, "From an artistic standpoint it’s been really cool because growing up and once I started getting older and in like junior high and high school, you can’t relate to a lot of people in wrestling, especially for someone like me. I was just skateboarding the whole time. I couldn’t relate to a big guy on steroids. It wasn’t gonna happen. But I could see a guy like Jeff that’s like a daredevil. It really drew me in because I was doing daredevil stunts on my skateboard. So I was like, man this is really interesting. I remember watching some of his stuff when I was like 6 years old and I would climb on top of this piano at my old house in Seattle and try to do a Swanton (Bomb) off of the piano onto the concrete floor. That was my first introduction to trying to emulate Jeff Hardy."
So you can see why this match was very important to Allin and that is why he took those risks in the ring. So if you haven't seen the entire match, it is a must see and to see more of Jeff Hardy, Darby Allin and everything else AEW, make sure to check them out every Wednesday for AEW: Dynamite and Friday on AEW: Rampage. You're always bound to see something that you haven't seen before just like the insane dive Allin made.