![DJ Khaled Gifts Kanye West Priceless Pair Of Custom Nike Sneakers](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2022/01/272545372_2800332563606540_312881740475380671_n-e1642883663338.jpg?)
DJ Khaled Gifts Kanye West Priceless Pair Of Custom Nike Sneakers
By Mike Walters on January 22, 2022 at 3:40 PM EST
Updated on March 9, 2022 at 1:09 AM EST
DJ Khaled capped off a recording session with Kanye West by gifting him a priceless pair of custom-designed Nike sneakers.
It all went down at Khaled's Florida home, where the two legendary hip-hop artists worked together on a new track yet to be released to the public. Khaled has been updating fans on their progress, and it looks like the song is going to be fire!
The famous producer posted a video on Instagram, of himself gifting a pair of Nike Jordan Retro 'Father Of Asahd' sneakers, size 12. In the video, Khaled is seen gifting the shows to West who is stunned at the gesture. "You are a size 12 right?" DJ asks the 'Donda' rapper. "Yes sir," he answers before lifting up the bright blue shoes to the camera.
Kanye West Gifted Priceless Pair Of Nike Air Jordan Retro 3's -- See The Sneakers!
![DJ Khaled Gifts Kanye West Priceless Pair Of Custom Nike Sneakers](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2022/01/Screen-Shot-2022-01-22-at-12.32.38-PM.png?)
We described the shoes as "priceless" after Khaled revealed only 100 of the shoes were made, and this is the last pair he owns in the arsenal.
"STILL IN THE MEETING ! #WETHEBEST @jumpman23 KHALED x @kanyewest Everyone watching this video I have no more left , LOVE ALL," DJ captioned the video.
Khaled posted another few pictures and videos from inside their session, saying, "What I love about making music when Artist leave and come back to hear all the new special sprinkles and Tweaks. It’s inspiring me to go even to a HIGHER LEVEL!"
He continued:
Some our work together
Grammy family
Go hard
I wish you would
Adding something to this list
DJ Khaled & Kanye West: We Are Making An Anthem!
![DJ Khaled Gifts Kanye West Priceless Pair Of Custom Nike Sneakers](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2022/01/272231680_428625122332753_150467336262595884_n.jpg?)
"The first day the duo worked together, DJ described it like this, "GREAT MORNING! While THEY was hugging they pillow and putting slob all over it , WE was working hustling and doing what we love to do making an anthem! KHALED x YE Energy next level, great vibes."
As you know, Kanye is the face of the Yeezy's -- a longstanding deal he has with Adidas. "He is stressing Adidas out," one fan pointed out. But, everyone agreed it was an amazing gift, with one saying, "DJ Khaled is a real different type of Dude. You don’t see them around too often."
See The Video!
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The 'Father Of Asahd' shoe line is named after his highly anticipated album, which features singles with Justin Bieber, Chance The Rapper, and Quavo. Plus, a track 'Top Off' featuring JAY-Z, Future, and Beyoncé.
Kanye West made huge headlines this week after flaunting his new relationship with girlfriend, Julia Fox. The actress broke her silence on allegations she is dating West for the fame and money, saying, "Honey, I've dated billionaires my entire adult life."
Kanye West Makes Big Headlines With New Girlfriend Julia Fox
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"It's funny cause I'm getting all this attention, but I really couldn't care," she said on the 'Forbidden Fruits' podcast. "People are like 'Oh, you're only in it for the fame, you're in it for the clout, you're in it for the money.' Honey, I've dated billionaires my entire adult life, let's keep it real," she said.
Adding, "Putting things into the world. Watch my movie, read my book. That is more thrilling to me now than eyes on me. I couldn't care less."
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