Bob Saget 911 Call: 'He's Not Breathing, Has No Pulse'
By Mike Walters on January 10, 2022 at 3:10 PM EST
Updated on March 16, 2022 at 5:46 PM EDT
Bob Saget was "not breathing and had "no pulse" according to a hotel staff member, who called 911 after the comedian was found unconscious in his room.
According to the 911 call, obtained by The Blast, a housekeeping manager calmly passed the information to emergency responders -- indicating that the 'Full House' star was unresponsive and might already be gone.
In the audio, the staff member describes the situation to an operator asking for them to send paramedics ASAP to assist the 'America's Funniest Home Videos' host. As we reported, a manager of the hotel desperately performed CPR on Saget as another person called 911 for help. Due to privacy laws, parts of the 911 call are edited and redacted, removing the exact room number and other information.

Here Is A Transcript Of The 911 Audio:
Employee: "We have an unresponsive guest in a room. My officer tells me there is no pulse.
911 Operator: What room number?
Employee: He’s in room...
911 Operator: Ok. Non-responsive, not breathing?
Employee: Non-responsive, not breathing, and no pulse.
911 Operator: Stay on the line for medical one moment.
911 Operator: Do you know how old?
As we reported, CPR attempts were unsuccessful and paramedics pronounced him dead. Authorities launched a death investigation and transported his body to the Orange County Medical Examiner's Office.
Listen To The 911 Audio...Below.
Police Report: Bob Saget Was Found Unresponsive In His Bed

According to a police report, obtained by The Blast, the responding officer who first arrived on the scene, says his official time of death was 4:18 pm ET. "I checked the immediate area for signs of foul play. It should be noted none were found," the officer said. He continued, "The room itself was orderly with items owned by Mr. Saget on the nightstand, television stand, closet, and bathroom."
An officer described the scene, saying, "Mr. Saget was found in a supine position on his bed. His left arm was across his chest while his right arm was resting on the bed. No signs of trauma were seen." Adding, "Mr. Saget was due to check out from [his room] this date, and his family had been unable to get a hold of him. Family members contacted Ritz Carlton Security who sent a member of their security team to check on his well-being. [Security] received no response after knocking several times and attempting to gain entry.
It should be noted, several details of the condition of the room are blacked out in the report.
Hotel Staff Revealed Comedian's Death To His Wife Over The Phone

In the report, the officer claims security "entered the room and noted all the lights were off. He proceeded to the bedroom and located Mr. Saget in his bed. He stated Mr. Saget was 'cold to the touch, yellow and clammy." He checked for breathing and a pulse but none were detected. It was at this time he had his dispatch call 9-1-1.
Bob Saget entered his room at 2:17 am ET, according to the police report, and this was the last time he was seen alive. "While on the scene, hotel management spoke with Mr. Saget's wife, Kelly Rizzo,over the phone to inform her of his passing. This decision was made after consulting with their legal team."
Homicide detectives are currently investigating the case, so far, no exact cause of death has been determined.