How You Can Join In On The #BettyWhiteChallenge!
By Kristin Myers on January 3, 2022 at 6:15 PM EST
Updated on January 5, 2022 at 5:10 PM EST
Actress Betty White sure loved her animals!
The new #BettyWhiteChallenge, which began trending on Monday, is trying to inspire fans to do some good in the name of the late acting legend.
“The Golden Girls” actress was only 99-years-old when she passed away suddenly on New Year’s Day. White was only a few weeks shy of celebrating her 100th birthday on January 17, 2022. Before she passed away, White was inviting fans to a special one-day screening of her appropriately 100-minute long film, titled “Betty White: 100 Years Young – A Birthday Celebration.”

Movie producers have now shortened that title to “Betty White: A Celebration,” which features an all-star cast of Ryan Reynolds, Tina Fey, Morgan Freeman, crush Robert Redford, and many others, talking about how their lives had been touched by White’s humor and charm, both on and off set.
In a statement, the show’s producers wrote that “We will go forward with our plans to show the film on January 17 in hopes our film will provide a way for all who loved her to celebrate her life—and experience what made her such a national treasure.”
Even if you can’t make it to the theaters on January 17, fans are still coming up with creative ways to honor White’s memory.
What Is The #BettyWhiteChallenge?

The origin of the hashtag seems to have come from a public Facebook group called “Dogspotting Society,” which describes itself as “the cool place to hang out where you can post your own dogs!”
The challenge reads: “On Betty White’s 100th birthday, January 17th, everyone should pick a local rescue or animal shelter in your area and donate just $5 [dollars] in Betty White’s name. Make her 100th birthday the moment she deserves.”
Fans showed overwhelming support for the hashtag. “What a wonderful idea!” one wrote. “KUDOS to whoever thought of it! I hope a ton of people donate in her honor! Animals were her huge LOVE.”
“Donated to FMB America,” another shared. “They rescue Spanish Greyhounds (galgos), including my sweet Andre. We also have a racing greyhound and I just learned that Betty White donated to help close racing tracks. It makes me love her all the more!”
Fans Suggest A Yearly ‘Betty White’ Day On January 17th... And Her Hometown Follows Through!

“Make this an annual thing and help rescues/shelters start the year off well!” another added. “Sadly, a lot of Christmas puppies, bunnies, and kitties get surrendered in the first few months of every year. The rescues/shelters get so overwhelmed.”
“Yes! A yearly Betty White Day!” another echoed. “It’s a great way to honor her and help animals all at once.”
Even “You Again” costar Jaime Lee Curtis recognized White’s love of animals in a sweet tribute on Instagram, writing:
“What women WANT is to live a life like Betty White. Full of love and creativity and integrity and humor and dedication and a life of service to animals. To honor her today please make a donation to the @morrisanimalfoundation Morris Animal Foundation or any animal advocacy group! She would LOVE that. Rest easy you beautiful woman. We will carry on for you!”
Costar Ryan Reynolds, Zachary Levi, Bob Saget, and even President Joe Biden joined the many celebrities and fans who took to social media to express condolences for the late acting legend.
Believe it or not, Betty White's hometown of Oak Park is actually going to honor Betty White with her own day! Small businesses in the community are hosting "Betty White" specials throughout January 17, some of which include Betty's favorite meals of hotdog, fries, and a diet coke.
There is also reported to be a Betty White mural contest happening on the same day. The winner of the contest will have their mural painted downtown to help honor White's legacy. And, as an extra special treat, her birthday happens to fall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year, so everyone has the day off for her birthday as well!