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Neil Patrick Harris Gets Romantic In Thanksgiving Post For Hubby David Burtka

Home / Stars / Neil Patrick Harris Gets Romantic In Thanksgiving Post For Hubby David Burtka

By TheBlast Staff on November 26, 2021 at 12:45 AM EST

By this point, plenty of folks are at that part of their Thanksgiving dinner where they share what they're thankful for. Neil Patrick Harris decided not to waste this opportunity to show his husband David Burtka some love through his IG account. The How I Met Your Mother star has been really active sharing pictures on IG through the holiday. Thanksgiving morning he shared a picture of his kids. They didn't look all too thrilled that he was making them pose for the annual fall pic. The twins are 11, so they're getting into that age where photo calls aren't exactly an exciting moment!

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Love Is In The Air Between Neil & David

[Photo via Mega Agency]

We are still a couple of holidays removed from Valentine's Day, but Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka are already showing off their love. Neil included a quote with the picture of David that reads,

"The man who makes everything better. Especially when Thanksgiving dinner is involved. I'm just so thankful for you. David you are just the best ever."

We know who the emotional one is in the relationship. With Burtka replying to the post with a less enthusiastic "I am more thankful for you."

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Neil Patrick Harris & Company Go All Out For Thanksgiving


Neil Patrick Harris is well known for being someone who likes things to be, shall we say, "well produced". From his appearances hosting award shows to virtually everything that he did as Barney Stinson we know Neil likes to go a bit over the top. His Thanksgiving dinner is not the exception to the rule. He shared different snapshots from his family dinner, which by the way included, good friends Michael Serrato, Andres Camilo, and Max Emerson. Their plates were pretty full tonight!

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Not Missing A Chance To Make Some Cash

[Photo via Mega Agency]

We'd be selling you a bit short if we didn't mention this. Although the post was certainly romantic, and lovely across the board. There was something else that caught our eye. Neil had the awareness to tag Gucci in David's green sweater. Is this just a way of making sure that he's up-to-date with the posts that he owes the brand? Maybe that Gucci tag is some type of nod to Lady Gaga's new movie. From what we've been seeing from the critics it's looking like she can use all of the help that she can get!

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Neil Patrick Harris Is Still A Very Busy Guy

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[Photo via Mega Agency]

The year has been a busy one for Neil Patrick Harris. On IG, he has also recently teased his appearance in the new Matrix Movie. He also has a Christmas movie coming out titled 8-bit Christmas. On TV, he's going to be doing some voice work that's going to see him become part of the Star Wars universe. He recently appeared in a documentary film titled dads. Plenty of dads would love to know how in the world Neil Patrick Harris is able to balance his work life and home life. He doesn't seem to be slowing down one bit in the work department!
