'Jersey Shore' Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Faces Jail Time After Domestic Violence Incident
By Mike Walters on May 14, 2021 at 1:46 PM EDT
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Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is facing possible jail time after his most recent arrest for domestic violence sparked a possible probation violation in the previous case involving his ex-girlfriend.
The 'Jersey Shore' star will NOT be charged with crimes associated with the most recent arrest, involving his current girlfriend Saffire Matos, but the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office will instead move to violate his probation in the prior case and have set a hearing for it next month.
This is bad news for the reality star, who will almost certainly get some sort of jail time associated with the violation.
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As we reported, Ronnie was arrested after his girlfriend called police in L.A. after an argument between the couple turned physical. Following the incident, prosecutors decided not to charge the reality star with a crime after they reportedly didn't have "sufficient" evidence to convict him.
It should be noted, following the incident, Ronnie's GF took to social media to downplay the incident.
But, Ronnie is currently on probation in his other domestic violence case involving his ex, Jenn Harley. So, prosecutors will present evidence next month that Ortiz-Magro violated the terms of his probation and possibly should be locked up.
As we reported, Ronnie checked himself into treatment for mental health issues and decided to 'step back' from 'Jersey Shore' following the incident.
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"After talking to the team at MTV, we have mutually agreed that I will step away from the show while I seek medical treatment for mental health issues that I've ignored for too long. My number one goal now is facing my struggles head on. This process will be difficult, but my #1 priority is to get healthy and be the best man and the best father I can for my daughter," Ronnie posted on Instagram.
He continued, "Shoutout to every single person who battles through a mental illness every day of their life. It takes real strength to fight a war inside your head 24/7. Never forget you are strong and you've got this. Keep going."
As for the possible jail time, Ronnie's lawyer says, "We will review the alleged violation of probation claim and deal with it accordingly. As for Ronnie personally, he is currently seeking medical treatment for psychological issues that he has ignored for a long time. His only present goal is to address these issues professionally and make himself and a better person and the best father he can be to his loving daughter."