One Of Kevin Spacey's Victims Alleges Sexual Misconduct During 'House Of Cards'
By Kelly Coffey-Behrens on May 14, 2024 at 11:45 AM EDT
'Spacey Unmasked' aired on Monday, May 13, and focused on the allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse against Kevin Spacey.
The documentary shared “first-hand accounts from multiple men who have previously not shared their stories publicly" -- one of those men being Spacey's co-star on 'House Of Cards.'
Allegations Made Against Kevin Spacey

As previously covered by The Blast,numerous allegations of misconduct, including sexual assault, emerged against Kevin Spacey in 2017. These claims resulted in his dismissal from the television series 'House of Cards' and the cancellation of 'All the Money in the World.'
In his 2023 London trial, Kevin Spacey faced nine criminal charges linked to claims of sexual misconduct made by four men. After deliberating for twelve hours, the jury found the actor not guilty on all charges.
Kevin Spacey's Alleged Target Details Abuse

In the new documentary, 'Spacey Unmasked,' 23-year-old Daniel, who was a background actor on 'House Of Cards,' spoke out, revealing an incident he allegedly endured with Spacey when on set, as transcribed by People magazine.
One day, after the two finished a take and walked off the set, Daniel alleged that Spacey touched him below his zipper and "tickled" him with his finger.
"His hand touched my p-nis ... it was sexual," he claimed in the docuseries, which aired on Monday, May 13. "He has these little dead eyes looking at me, and I just felt like I was staring at a soulless monster."
He went on to admit that he felt an "overwhelming sense of guilt" and "disgusted with myself," adding that the experience was "unprofessional" and he was afraid that if he stayed on the show, Spacey would continue with the behavior.
Kevin Spacey Allegedly Assaulted An Employee In A Public Incident

Following Kevin Spacey's appointment as the new artistic director of The Old Vic Theatre Company in 2003, two men claimed the actor had a pattern of sexual assault against individuals working there.
Danny, a staff member at The Old Vic, recalled how his initial excitement about Kevin Spacey's new role turned into disappointment when, while working as an usher, Spacey allegedly positioned himself uncomfortably close in a confined space.
"Because of where I was sitting and he was standing, I felt like his whole groin push on my face," he said in the docuseries of the alleged incident. "[He was] someone I had tremendous respect for and he was pushing his groin on my face, during whilst I was working, whilst the pantomime was going on with families and children."
As tears streamed down his face, Danny said, "And I could smell him, I could feel him getting pleasure from it." Ever since, Danny said he felt "scared of coming to work" because the actor had a "look of intent" after the alleged incident.
"I just thought what have I done to deserve this? How could you get on that stage, how could you sleep at night?" he said in the documentary.
Another Alleged Victim Claims Kevin Spacey Put His 'Middle Finger As Far Up As Possible'

Another one of Spacey's alleged victims, Ruari, who had a role in one of Spacey's shows at The Old Vic, claims the actor sexually assaulted him.
"I walked up to him, I put my hand out and I said, 'Thank you so much for the gift,'" he recalled of the alleged incident. "And he pulled me in very close with his right hand and sort of turned me 45 degrees. Now, I don't know that that was to hide from cameras, but I only assume that was what he was trying to do."
"And he put his left hand down by my bum and he stuck his middle finger as far up in me as high as possible," he added. "I just totally froze. He told put me closer in my ear, [and] he whispered, 'Don't worry about it.' He did that and then he just like a shark."
Spacey Speaks Out About New Documentary

Ahead of its U.S. release, Kevin Spacey took to social media to bash Channel4 and 'Spacey Unmasked.'
In a statement shared to X, Spacey expressed: "Over the last week, I have repeatedly requested that @Channel4 afford me more than 7 days to respond to allegations made against me dating back 48 years and provide me with sufficient details to investigate these matters. Channel 4 has refused on the basis that they feel that asking for a response in 7 days to new, anonymized and non-specific allegations is a 'fair opportunity' for me to refute any allegations made against me."
He added: "I will not sit back and be attacked by a dying network's one-sided 'documentary' about me in their desperate attempt for ratings. There's a proper channel to handle allegations against me, and it’s not Channel 4."
'Spacey Unmasked' is available to stream on Max.