TikTok Creator Warns Others Of Recent Target Scam!
By Melanie VanDerveer on November 24, 2023 at 5:30 PM EST
With the holiday season approaching, many people are in a giving spirit. But with that often goes people trying to benefit and scam others.
Multiple TikTok creators are sharing their experiences of being scammed while shopping at Target so that others can be more aware of what's going on.
A TikTok Creator Is Sharing A Recent Experience With Being Scammed At Target

A TikTok creator named Lacy, who goes by UGC_Momma on the app, recently shared her story of what happened when she was shopping at Target.
"Maybe I'm stupid or have too much faith in humanity, but I just got scammed at Target and I thought I'd share so that if anybody else is like me, they don't get scammed," she began her story. "So I'm at Target and I start getting out of my car, and I'm replying to a text message so I'm looking down and I feel someone pulling on my pants. And I look down and it's this little girl."
Lacy said that the little girl appeared to be around 6 or 7 years old and the only English word she could say was, "help." She then tried to find out if she was lost but the little girl just stared at her with a scared look on her face. A woman then approached and Lacy asked if she was the little girl's mom.
"The mom hands me this card and it wasn't spelled correctly in English or anything and it says she has six kids and she has no food and she has no husband and it looks like she's gonna cry," she continued. "I know people scam people but she looked like she was gonna cry, and she says, 'Just formula please, just formula for my baby, please.'"
Lacy said that she understands how expensive formula can be so her plea got to her. She told the woman she would buy formula for her baby. Another woman then entered the chat and since she spoke better English, she told Lacy she would show her what kind of formula she needed. All three go into the store together and head to the formula aisle.
"This little girl grabs a basket and I'm like hmmm weird, but maybe she just wants to put it in the basket," she said. "So she grabs a basket and they start taking off into the opposite side of the store."
She then told the women that they were going in the wrong direction and they hesitantly redirected towards the formula aisle. Once at the formula, they take a while to decide which one to get. That set off another red flag for Lacy. The woman then picks out the biggest and most expensive formula, which throws another red flag.
"I'm feeling a little icky about it, so I immediately get it and I'm going to the self-checkout. I have it in my hand, not in the basket, and I go to self-checkout, I ring it up, and I go to get my card out of my purse and the little girl scans socks and I kind of like look at the lady like what is happening and she goes, 'oh please please, the baby has no socks,'" she continued. "And I'm like okay, they're like $4."

Then as she's about to pay for the formula and socks, the little girl comes over with handfuls of candy to scan. That's when Lacy said no. She pays for the formula and socks and thinks this nightmare is over. One thing Lacy did that many in the comments said was a good idea is she kept the receipt.
"They leave the Target or go outside the Target. I go to get my cart to like go do my shopping and the one that couldn't speak English very well comes up to me, follows me, and is like, 'Oh can I have the receipt,'" she said. "Like in a perfect sentence."
Lacy then asked why she would need the receipt and asked if she was planning to return the formula. The woman responded, "Well, maybe." Lacy then went to an employee to let her know about the possible scam and the employee was well aware of people asking for money in the parking lot.
Another TikToker Warned Of A Similar Baby Formula Scam Earlier This Year

Another TikTok creator also shared a similar Target scam earlier this year. Ariana Tomlinson and her boyfriend were approached by a woman in Target asking if they could buy her baby formula and wanting to help out, they agreed, but reluctantly.
"The most insane thing that I've ever experienced happened to me today at Target," she began her video warning. "If you shop at Target, please listen to this because I almost got scammed out of $800."
She continued to tell her story about how the woman approached her boyfriend and they agreed to try to help out. While checking out, she realized that she picked up $800 of baby formula. Since they didn't want to seem rude, they paid for it.
"As I'm taking the receipt out of the machine, I'm like, this is a scam. This is a scam, she's gonna return it all and get the money," she said. "Before I could say anything, my boyfriend had already handed her the receipt and we started walking away."
She said that her boyfriend also had the same realization of being scammed and the two were trying to figure out just what to do.
"The only thing that I thought was don't let her leave with that receipt because she's gonna be able to return it all," she continued. "So then my boyfriend went over and smooth-talked, whatever, got the receipt and she got a picture of it but he got the receipt."
They decided to talk to guest services to let them know what just happened but there wasn't anything they could do without the formula. Her story continued to explain how she followed the woman out of the parking lot and had a high-speed chase. They ended up getting most of the stuff they bought back and a full refund.