Delilah Belle Hamlin's Full Moon Affirmations Included 'Not Relying On Weed'
By Kay on September 1, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT
Delilah Belle Hamlin shared her Full Moon Affirmations, and they are probably the most eye-opening and relatable affirmations ever.
Delilah Belle Hamlin Is Scared Too

The model is really living an authentic life (as much as she can) since getting sober and opening her eyes to the simple beauties around her. She recently shared the affirmations she is using to help hear her during the full moon.
We just had a full moon on August 30 and Hamlin released her affirmations. Brace yourself, they are going to make you want to rethink your own affirmations or even get started. “I am blessed and not depressed, my delusions are not irrational, I can turn my TV off at night & not be scared, I do not need to chain smoke to fall asleep, I do not rely on weed for serotonin,” she shares.
The post is a repost but fans know that Hamlin had an issue with Xana. Not just an issue, she accidentally overdosed on the prescription medication. She went to rehab and came out sober. At six months she celebrated the milestone and shared her story.
Delilah Belle Hamlin Was Dependent

The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills kid spoke shared her story, “My body got dependent on Xanax number one, and number two I overdosed. I didn’t mean to at all. I overdosed on this one medication called Propranolol. And I took Benadryl with it and for some reason, I ended up in the hospital.”
A few of her other affirmations read: “I am not nauseous all day, I am the sexiest and coolest person, I have the funniest meme taste, I can get paid simply by just existing, I can find a man who doesn't give me the ick.”
Thankfully for Hamlin, she is currently dating Henry Eikenberry, an actor. It is safe to say, he is not giving the 24-year-old the “ick”. The two debut their relationship in June at The Crowded Room premiere.
Delilah Belle Hamlin Is Taking Care Of Herself

The next few affirmations are, “It's easy to take care of myself in basic ways, I can cook for myself and actually enjoy it, my sleep schedule is that of a healthy adult, I am aging backward, I am not socially awkward, ppl want to be in a relationship with me.”
The cooking at home and healthy sleep habits felt like a personal attack! Hamlin really picked a good affirmation list to source. Who couldn’t use a little more sleep these days? And the cooking at home? It should be a necessity at this point.
The socially awkward thing, we hear ya, girl. Hamlin is definitely working on herself and the last two affirmations are already showing results.
New Career For Delilah Belle Hamlin

The final two affirmations read, “Job hunting does not hurt my ego, life is getting easier and not harder.” Hamlin just started a new career in music. She released a single called “Nothing Last Forever” and has dubbed this her “healing era” she wrote a sentimental post about the single’s release.

“The release date of my single “Nothing Lasts Forever” was coincidentally the 17th of March. This day also marked being 1 year and 7 months sober. I put 2 and 2 together and realized the meaning behind the angel number 1717 🕊️🦋🤍 a beautiful coincidence that matches the meaning and lyrics within the song.”
Happy healing Delilah!