Americans In Fear For The Future After Mitch McConnell Pauses... Again
By Kay on August 31, 2023 at 5:00 AM EDT
It was another rough one for Mitch McConnell this week. If his goal was to prove he is A-OK, he isn't fooling anyone.
Americans Are Very Vocal

The US Senator has paused once again while giving a speech on live TV. If you follow politics, you know this is the second time the 81-year-old has appeared to have a brain fart while he is supposed to be working.
Americans are pretty fed up with watching this older man be pushed out on stage when he is not in the best of shape to be out here representing the Republican streets any longer, or at least not as often as he does currently.
X users are slamming McConnell, the people surrounding him, and essentially anyone Republican for not realizing that the pausing is likely part of a more significant issue that should be taken seriously.
Even The Haters See He Needs Help

People are banning together, and by people, we mean both Democrats and Republicans together to agree that McConnell is a mess and may need to hit the gas on that retirement. "Look, I don't especially enjoy watching an old man suffer no matter how endlessly evil he might be, but it's pretty clear that Mitch McConnell needs to retire," one follower, appalled at the scene.

Another follower couldn't believe it happened again. "Another freezing episode for Mitch McConnell. Seriously, you all have to get him out of Congress for his health (and in general, to be honest.) He's gotta take Dianne Feinstein with him, too."

Yes, they threw Feinstein in the mix because she has been looking decrepit lately and is being rolled around in a wheelchair to make it to all these campaign-related outings. More on that later.
A Lot Of Older People

Some followers have noted that it isn't just McConnell and Feinstein that are struggling on the daily. "Mitch McConnell isn't well. Joe Biden isn't well. Dianne Feinstein isn't well. John Fetterman isn't well. This is all just very sad. Generally, no one over 80 should have jobs this important. Voters ultimately hold the blame, though."

While some people focused on more cheeky comments. "Mitch McConnell freezes at the podium for a second time while being asked about running for re-election in 2026...I think that's your answer," the user jokes.
They continue. "As I said last time, I hope he is getting treatment for whatever this is. While he has been the devil of politics, I don't wish him or his family ill. Sending prayers because he is not okay."
'A National Embarrassment'

One X user was embarrassed; they referred to this, and the other paused as "a national embarrassment." They continued to slam the moment. "These people are running our country into the ground. How are we still allowing this? Mitch McConnell isn't even fit enough to answer questions, but he leads the Senate Republicans. Why would anyone vote for this?"

Another X user described it as "disturbing." They wrote, "Just beyond disturbing. It is time for Mitch McConnell Dia, Nne Feinstein, and others to resign. Now! This is so painfully obvious that it is ridiculous even to say it."

And as we promised, back to Feinstein. This picture says it all, and the comment sees the humor in what's happening here. "Well, she's the picture of health. You have to love those DC a**holes.
#WhatlLearnedToday #DianeFeinstein."

Hopefully, McConnell is still "fine," as they claimed last time this happened—just a little hiccup.