Jaime King's Estranged Husband Says He's Worried She'll 'Abduct' Their Kids
By Mike Walters on August 11, 2023 at 2:01 PM EDT
Jaime King's ongoing divorce just hit an all-time low after her estranged husband accused her of possibly attempting to "abduct" their two children.
According to new legal documents, obtained by The Blast, Kyle Newman is fighting in court to deny the actress ability to take the kids to Vietnam on vacation. In the filing, Newmann says, "I cannot agree for Jaime to take our children to Vietnam on vacation after school starts -- Vietnam is a non-Hague Convention Child Abduction Treaty country."
For those who are unfamiliar with the treaty, it is in place "to protect children from the harmful effects of international abduction by a parent by encouraging the prompt return of abducted children to their country of habitual residence and to organize or secure the effective rights of access to a child." In other words, if one parent takes the kids out of the country, the Government on the other side will assist in their return.
It appears the 'Black Summer' star is wanting to take her family on a vacation in the next few days. But, Newman is fighting it and claims the trip might be an attempt to take the children and not return them.
"I am concerned that Jaime will remain there here is a court order which we heavily negotiated that does not allow for either of us to take the children to a non-Hague Treaty country. Jaime has already attempted to intercept our children’s passports without my knowledge or consent, which concerns me that Jaime plans to abduct our minor children," he wrote.
Adding, "Vietnam is not a signatory to the Hague Convention. Based on Jaime’s conduct historically and over the last 6 months, I have a reasonable fear that she will refuse to return the children to me after their trip. Jaime was dishonest with me from the start regarding her intentions to travel with our children to Vietnam, and I do not consent to it."
Shockingly, this isn't the only stunning allegation in the new court filing.
Newman also accuses King of being "intoxicated" around the children, which is another thing not allowed due to the current custody order.
"Jaime has repeatedly and blatantly violated multiple court orders, including child custody orders (preventing her from being intoxicated while the children are in her custody by
repeatedly testing as inebriated with SoberLink, even in the morning while she had custody of the children)," the filing reads.
It should be noted, SoberLink is a comprehensive alcohol monitoring system that combines a professional-grade breathalyzer with wireless connectivity, and state-of-the-art technology including facial recognition.
As we've reported, Jaime made her own allegations against Kylie in this bitter divorce saying she pulled the plug on their relationship after "suffering years of physical, emotional, verbal, and fiscal abuse" and saying, "I finally decided to stand up for myself and made the decision to terminate our marriage."
Interestingly, it appears the judge in the former couple's ongoing case is siding with Newman denying the request for the Vietnam trip.
This case has been pending for over three years and the matter has been set for trial on September 19, 2023.