Chelsea Handler Celebrates Her Last Day Of Hosting Duties On 'The Daily Show'
By Afouda Bamidele on February 12, 2023 at 8:45 PM EST
Chelsea Handler's time on late-night television has come to an end and she is elated!
After a week of entertaining audiences with her quick wit and sharp commentary, the star bids farewell to "The Daily Show." The comedian took over as guest host of the popular late-night series for the past week and documented her feelings on how she felt on social media.
Chelsea Handler Is Soaking In the View On Her Final Day ON 'The Daily Show'
Taking to her Instagram story, she posted a video clip of herself dressed in black with tiny hoop earrings and minimal makeup. She began the clip by saying:
"Good morning. You guys, it's my last day of hosting The Daily show for the week. And I am having the f*cking time of my life. It's been such a blast."
The talk show host described everyone she worked with on set as awesome, adding, "I'm just living the New York lifestyle. So I hope you're watching me, and I love all the feedback. And I am just pumped up, so suck on that. Assalamualaikum."
In the next slide, she showed off the impressive view from her window and wrote, "Last day of the Daily Show!" Before the video ended, she squealed a happy Good Morning from behind the camera.
Before her time on the show, she spoke with the hosts at CBS Mornings and expressed excitement at getting to guest host the show for a week, saying that she was ready and into it. Handler recalled when she also covered for Jimmy Kimmel on his show and noted that it invigorated her with this new responsibility.
The actress was then asked by Gayle King how she could change the scarcity of women on late-night talk shows. She pointed out that with her experience and the fact that she was ready and in the mood to work, there was no way it would not be a success.
Tony Dokoupil followed up by bringing up all the trends that have happened since her show ended, like the #metoo movement, the global pandemic, etc., and asked if she had changed much as a comedian since then.
The TV personality answered positively and noted that everyone, not just her, had been forced to evolve rightfully and did not like to hear when people tried to say that the cancel culture was limiting. She said:
"It's not that limiting. All they're asking you to do is not be sexist or racist. That's not a tall order."
The third host, Nate Burleson, asked her why she was not afraid of the cancel culture, to which she responded hilariously, "well, I'm not an idiot. I'm not doing anything to be canceled. I'm smart enough to understand the pulse of what's happening and to change behavior and jokes so as not to be discriminatory."
The author pointed out that it just meant comedians would have to get a lot more clever, a challenge she was excited to take on.
'Chelsea Lately' Star Shares Opinion On How Men Should Date In The New Year

The 47-year-old is known for her relationship PSAs on social media, especially for giving single people reasons why being alone is great. The Blast noted that the producer hopped on social media again with her usual sharpness mixed with a bit of hilarity to advise her followers and anyone listening.
The reel began with the "My Wife and Kids" actress admitting to knowing that most of her audience were women and gay men before adding, "But if you're a straight man who clicked on this hoping I'd be topless, you're gonna have to wait till my birthday."
The first tip she shared was about dating profiles, where she warned men against using the term "entrepreneur" as it sounds like "unemployed." She also advised men to avoid using pictures holding fish on their dating profiles, as it was confusing and outdated.
Handler also stressed the importance of consent and asked men to always ask for it, even when drunk. She also encouraged men to get tested before engaging in sexual activities, including Covid, chlamydia, and other related tests, as well as proof of CPR training and SAT scores.
"The Practice" actress also emphasized the importance of being respectful and avoiding ghosting. She said, "No ghosting. It's rude! Just have the balls to tell someone you're no longer interested." The final piece of advice was to avoid sending unsolicited sexual images.