Lisa Marie Presley's Ex-Husband Tells The Court He Fears She Will Relapse On Drugs After Son's Suicide
By Mike Walters on July 25, 2020 at 8:25 AM EDT
Lisa Marie Presley's ex-husband believes she may relapse on drugs and alcohol following her son's suicide and is worried about the possibility of guns being inside of her home -- and he is now asking the court to strip her of primary custody of their 11-year-old daughters.
According to new legal documents obtained by The Blast, Michael Lockwood has filed his trial brief leading up to the ex-couples custody trial which is set for August 3, 2020. In the filing, he claims there is now a "new and significant concern" since the start of their nasty custody war.
"Lisa Marie Presley’s son shot and killed himself in her home (Although she was not there at the time.) With all due sympathy and respect, this creates a new and unaddressed twofold problem: the safety of the children and the greater likelihood of LMP to relapse into drug and alcohol dependency."

The ex-couple is fighting over custody and child support for their 11-year-old twin daughters, Finley and Harper.
Lockwood continued, "The children told (him) that (LMP) walked around the house with a gun in her hand in 2017. There was at least one gun on the premises of her home at the time of her son’s suicide and it is unclear where the gun was kept or whether Finley and/or Harper might have access to this gun or others."
"Thus, there is a significantly higher risk to the safety of the children which would ordinarily justify 100% physical custody to (me) at this time in such circumstances," he wrote in the filing.
At this point, Lisa Marie's ex is worried the children will be exposed to discussion about suicide, saying, "there is a greater possibility that the children might think about suicide or attempt it, in light of their half brother’s suicide."

He continued, "(LMP) has sobriety issues, has a problem with substance and alcohol abuse, kept at least one firearm in the house where her son had access and used it to kill himself, carried a handgun in front of the children during 2017 at home, and thus LMP is a far greater risk to the children’s safety than (me.)
According to the legal filing, Lockwood claims Elvis Presley's daughter is now at a major risk of relapsing into substance addiction, something that is very common in recovery.
"In light of such a tragic and devastating event, it would not be surprising for (LMP) to relapse into drug or alcohol use despite her alleged three years sober. The death of a child is among life’s most traumatic events," he wrote.
Lisa Marie's ex is asking the court to implement random drug tests for his ex-wife, something he says he is willing to also take.

"Because of her history of abuse, and because sobriety does not last forever in the vast majority of cases, to ensure the safety of the children (LMP) should be tested randomly for drugs and alcohol until children reach the age of majority at her expense," the filing states.
To make his point clear, Lisa Marie's ex alleges she has had severe addiction issues and lays out what he claims are the specifics of the past.
"(LMP) has been in rehabilitation facilities for drug or alcohol issues at least five times and attended outpatient rehabilitation until 2018. (LMP) has admitted that as recently as Oct. 2016 she took 20 to 80 Oxycodone tablets per day, then used cocaine in order to stop using Oxycodone."
In the filing, he says he does not know if she is sober at this time, but, says photographs in the media suggest she has smoked pot and drank beer since her last treatment.

"A common alcoholic anonymous adage is 'Relapse is part of recovery' and although (LMP) professes to be sober, relapse is likely statistically and even a greater possibility in reaction to her son’s suicide," he wrote.
As we reporters, Lisa Marie filed for divorce in 2016, and the couple has been at war over custody of their children and child support.
At one point, the Department of Children and Family Services investigated the situation and placed the kids with their grandmother, Priscilla Presley, for some time.
Interestingly, Lockwood is suggesting the couple share 50/50 custody going forward and end this long and nasty custody fight.

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"It is likely they would benefit far more from a return to some sort of normalcy in spending equal time with both parents and ending this family law battle," he states.
If they can't agree, the couple is set to face off in a custody trial on August 3.
Earlier this month, Lisa Marie Presley’s son Benjamin Keough died from a self-inflicted “intraoral shotgun wound,” according to a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office.
Lisa's manager issued a statement, saying, "She is completely heartbroken, inconsolable and beyond devastated but trying to stay strong for her 11-year-old twins and her oldest daughter Riley. She adored that boy. He was the love of her life."