NBA Star Trevor Ariza's Ex-Wife Demands Over $250,000 In Support
By Liz Walters on October 31, 2022 at 2:34 PM EDT
NBAstar Trevor Ariza's ex-wife is asking for a $250,000 payment from the basketball player to help fight him legally in the former couple's ongoing divorce.
According to legal documents, obtained by The Blast, Bree Anderson Ariza, made her first move in her ongoing legal battle with her ex-husband, asking a Los Angeles judge to award her monthly child and spousal support, as well a lump sum of $250,000 toward her legal fees.
In Bree's request for financial support, she claims there is a "significant financial disparity" between her and Trevor, and she has been a stay-at-home mother to their two young children. Bree also claims Trevor maintained control of their family assets and accounts, and Trevor has allegedly actively denied her any information about their finances, while allegedly using it to punish and control her both during their marriage and after they split.
Bree Anderson Ariza Wants $250,000 In Support For Ongoing Divorce Case

In the filing, Bree claims Trevor made it clear that he did not want her to work, and that he would be the sole provider and her job would be to take care of their children. Besides his salary from the NBA, Bree claims Trevor receives significant income based on his investments and endorsement deals throughout the years. Bree says she "has been unable to maintain the marital standard of living because she has to not only retain counsel but take care of their children".
"Since I have filed for dissolution, Trevor has failed to provide me any meaningful support," she claims in the documents. Adding, he has also "made comments stating 'you won't get anything from me, and 'you won't get what you want' and that he will be making the process difficult for me."
Interestingly, Bree says she not only took care of their children, but she "became a surrogate mother to Trevor's son from a previous relationship."
Unfortunately, Ariza appears to have moved on to a new relationship -- and Bree is bitter that he is spending money on his new fling, saying, "I am struggling to make ends meet while Trevor has continued to live the lavish lifestyle and just purchased his new girlfriend a brand-new Mercedes Benz."
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It should be noted, Bree is represented by Mega celebrity divorce attorneySamantha Spector, so he has a massive uphill battle on his hands.
At this point, Bree claims that she has been forced to drain her bank account in order to maintain the home and care for their children, and at the same time Trevor has allegedly taken her off the American Express credit card.
The documents point out that Trevor should have plenty of money to support his ex-wife, based on the huge amount he made as an NBA player. A graph was submitted to the court pointing out that he has made approximately $42 million from NBA contracts since 2018 (the year they were married,) and she states, "I truly appreciate everything that Trevor's success has afforded our family and I have not taken it for granted. However, at this time, by not providing me any support, Trevor is using his financial means to gain control over me."

It's unclear how much Trevor's ex-wife wants in total spousal and child support.
We broke the story, Bree filed for divorce in September and asked for full custody of the ex-couples two children. The case is ongoing.