'Clerks 3' New Trailer Features Buffy, Batman & Blunts
By Russ Weakland on July 7, 2022 at 12:00 AM EDT
We assure you, there is a Clerks III trailer!
Kevin Smith has finally shared with the world what we all have wanted for a long time, and that is the return to The Quick Stop. All our friends like Randal, Dante and Jay and Silent Bob seem to be tagging along, but it might be who else is in the trailer that is the most surprising.
It might be fair to say that Jennifer Lopez will be watching this movie!
The Official Trailer Of Clerks 3 Has Been Released
Now that we are back in the world of Clerks, Director Kevin Smith is taking a page from real life to tell the story of all the lovable losers that have made us laugh for decades into a more serious direction? Not quite, but it does now follow Randal, who suffers a major heart attack, who then enlists his friends and fellow clerks like Dante, Elias, Jay, and Silent Bob into making a movie that will go back and tell the story of their life and times and the convenience store that started it all.
Sound a little familiar? Well back in 2018, Smith had performed a stand up act at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, California. Shortly thereafter Smith suffered a severe heart attack caused by a total blockage of the left anterior descending artery. He was rushed to the local hospital, where he had immediate surgery and recovered.
At the time of recovery, he went to his Instagramto share how he was doing as he told his fans in a captioned pic of him in a hospital bed, “After the first show this evening, I had a massive heart attack. The Doctor who saved my life told me I had 100% blockage of my LAD artery (aka ‘the Widow-Maker’).” Smith continued, “If I hadn’t canceled show 2 to go to the hospital, I would’ve died tonight. But for now, I’m still above ground!”
And with the trailer that just dropped, it looks as if Randal is now the person dealing with heart problems, which makes him want to make a movie about all the good times they all had. Based on Smith's unfortunate health problems, he at least seems to be using it to get his Clerks mojo back! And with new laughs and old laughs aside, it also looks like some major stars are joining the party as well. Fred Armisen, Sarah Michelle Gellar appear and also Ben Affleck!
Ben Affleck & Kevin Smith Relationship Hasn't Always Been Good

To see Ben Affleck in the trailer makes us think that anything can happen and a friendship can recover. Affleck and Smith have a very long history with each other that dates back to the 90's. The duo worked on films that included, Chasing Amy, Jersey Girl, and Dogma to name a few but as Affleck's star rose in Hollywood, he drifted from the friendship with Smith where at a Comic Con panel in 2004, Smith shared about the status of their strained friendship saying, "I don't know, because we're not f***ing tight. I have not been [close with him] in decades. That's old Ben. He's got a wife [Jennifer Garner] that don't [sic] care for me at all. And plus, honestly, he probably don't care for me at all anymore [either]. He's a triple-A-list movie star and s**t like that. If he's Jimmy Carter, I'm Billy Carter, to put it in '70s terms. And I'm not even related and s**t."
Smith didn't stop there as he bashed Affleck a little more on his 2018 Showtime standup comedy special, Kevin Smith: Silent But Deadly, where he made this damaging comment, "It doesn't take talent at all to work in the movie business. You think it takes talent to stand there on a movie set and say 'I'm Batman'? Ben Affleck does it so I know it don't take f***ing talent."
But when Smith's health scare happened in 2018, he revealed in an interview with The Daily Beast that Affleck didn't contact him to see how he was doing and recovering, "I didn't hear from Ben. Which is fine. Maybe he didn't even hear about it. I think he probably plays a more prominent role in my mythology than I play in his mythology anymore. He was in some of my biggest movies, so in my world he's still a figure. In his world, I haven't factored in god knows how f***ing long."
But as of late, as Affleck has rekindled his relationship with JLO, it looks like the same is happening with Smith. They have since picked up the pieces and reunited on the set of Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and now are working on Clerks III together. Smith even admitted on his Twitter, that he was most likely the problem for their problems saying, "If I had to guess? It's because one of us has a big mouth and told too many candid stories that sometimes weren't his to tell, and the other one is Ben."
And we are all now better for it, because when Smith and Affleck work together, magic follows. We are all ready to see that magic continue.
Lionsgate, in partnership with Fathom Events, will be releasing CLERKS III exclusively in theaters on September 13th and 15th. What will likely be a film that sells out everywhere, now is offering you a chance to get tickets to take one more ride with the gang or maybe 37! Snoochie Boochies!