Britney Spears Talks About Her 'Huge Forehead' While Throwing Shade At Mother
By Rima Pundir on July 4, 2022 at 7:30 PM EDT
Britney Spears may be a happily married woman today, but her Instagram posts show that she is still not quite healed yet. In one of her recent Instagram posts, Spears talked about mental health and felt glad that she was able to do so openly. She also talks about how blessed she is with Sam Asghari.
The "Toxic" singer did admit to moments of vulnerability and talked about how small things inspired her, while also mentioning she had a "huge forehead." As usual, her fans were there to reassure her and send her their love.
Britney Spears Throws Some Shade At Her Mother

Spears began her post by posting a picture of a quote by Seattle artist Mackenzy Smith which inspired her. In it, Smith talks about her job not being her purpose, and how we should all be loved and deserved to be loved.

Britney certainly loved the post, as she said, "This well-written caption touched my heart. I have no idea who she is but it was well written. My intuition spoke so quietly and that whispering voice came in... it felt so so so so nice."
But before that, Spears also threw some shade at her mother, Lynne Spears, asking fans if they knew why readers liked to read and then answering her queries:
"I don't know ... maybe because we choose to read rather than express. It's our safety yet our own worst enemy !!!! You say to yourself “did I just read that the wrong way?” and then with a flip of a coin in literally 2 seconds your whole universe could change because your mother's voice sneaks into your
brain with doubt and does that one thing you never wanted when you were younger ... literally drown in the confusion."
Fans sent Britney as much love as they could with comments like: "Bless your heart. Let it be full and happy…and let that be coupled with an idgaf attitude. 🔥❤️🔥"
Another fan responded, "Keep the true ones!!! Let GO of the ones who are wishy-washy. It should always be solid. ❤️🙌"

Britney Spears Says She Has 'Huge Forehead'

Spears also spoke out against enforced therapy, saying, "I’ve had my share of therapy but I honestly like sharing with my friends!! They can be more honest and real with me. I said to my friend last week
“I feel bad about complaining” and you know what she said? Something I never thought I would hear her say ... she said “to be totally honest with you, you hardly ever complain” !!!"
Britney is supported by her friends and is happy to talk to them, discuss her life with them and gain new perspectives.
The Queen of Pop was happy to share her insecurities and what she perceives as her flaws as she wrote, "I wear my heart on my sleeve. Maybe being completely honest can get you hurt. It's a vulnerable thing to do... the mind & is so sensitive. Be careful who you allow near it or how you speak to yourself !!! It's called living at the brain."

She also mentioned how she finds her forehead rather large, saying, "Dear God I have a huge forehead and it's not always a breeze up there!!! I wake up every day and I try to stay grateful. The mind is so powerful ... with a flip of a switch one thought can change everything."

Fans Say She Inspires Them

Britney also spoke about the books she was reading, going back to the author of the quote who inspired her, and asking fans who inspired them?
"who inspires you guys ??? Which people lift you higher ??? Who can make you laugh so hard you pee on yourself ??? Keep those peeps !!! Also ... what are you guys reading these days & ??? If I'm on a
loudspeaker with my words lol, as my lawyer would say !!! | guess I'll SHARE ... I'm reading INVISIBLE by Danielle Steel and MAGICAL HOUSEHOLD by Scott Cunningham."

Fans were quick to send her all sorts of reading recommendations, while more appreciated all that she shared.
One comment encouraged her to keep sharing, sending hr positive reaffirmation, "Britney you’re an amazingly strong woman you didn’t deserve anything and it’s not complaining it’s Britney taking back her life and not taking sh*t. "