Halsey Shares Intimate Post-Pregnancy Photos, ‘My Body Felt Like A Strangers’

Halsey Reveals She Had 3 Miscarriages & Life-Saving Abortion Amid Roe v. Wade Being Overturned

Home / Internet & social media / Halsey Reveals She Had 3 Miscarriages & Life-Saving Abortion Amid Roe v. Wade Being Overturned

By Kay on July 4, 2022 at 1:00 PM EDT

Halsey is the latest celebrity to come out and share their thoughts on Roe v. Wade being overturned. More specifically, they shared with fans their own experience that they had experienced 3 miscarriages and one of them resulted in forcing the singer to have an abortion to save their life.

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Halsey Shares Intimate Post-Pregnancy Photos, ‘My Body Felt Like A Strangers’

Halsey recalls the experience in a Vogue magazine interview. “Many people have asked me if, since carrying a child to term after years of struggling to do so, I have reconsidered my stance on abortion,” they said.

The 27-year-old responded with a resounding “no.” They went on to say, that, “in fact, I have never felt more strongly about it.” The “Without Me” singer went on to share that abortion saved their life.

“My abortion saved my life and gave way for my son to have his,” they noted. “Every person deserves the right to choose when, if, and how they have this dangerous and life-altering experience. I will hold my son in one arm, and fight with all my might with the other.”

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Halsey Struggled To Carry A Child

Halsey With her baby.

The singer shared with Vogue that getting pregnant was never an issue for them. They saw it as a blessing being able to conceive so easily as many women around the world have issues getting past that part.“It seemed a cruel irony that I could get pregnant with ease but struggled to maintain a pregnancy.”

Now, they have a healthy 1-year-old child with Alev Aydin and they can’t imagine what life would have looked like if abortion was not available for them during that crucial time.

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Halsey Described An Emotional Abortion Experience

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Before their 24th birthday, they had experienced 3 miscarriages. “One of my miscarriages required ‘aftercare,’ a gentle way of saying that I would need an abortion because my body could not terminate the pregnancy completely on its own and I would risk going into sepsis without medical intervention,” they wrote.

The singer admitted that they “cried” to relieve many emotions. However, they were mostly crying because of the option they were blessed enough to have. They were “desperate to end the pregnancy that was threatening my life.”

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At One Point, Halsey Thought They Would Die


They also remembered feeling a mix of unfamiliar emotions. “I was afraid for myself and I was helpless.” Halsey was so scared that they rewrote their will before attending the procedure.

“I was prepared for the worst. I gave detailed instructions regarding the donation of my organs should I die or be declared brain-dead, meaning if my heart beat on but my brain wasn’t functioning, the state would have permission to cut into my warm and still flush flesh and take my organs to save other lives.”

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Halsey Has Harsh Words For Critics

Halsey on Instagram
Instagram | Halsey

At the end of June, Halsey performed to a sold-out crowd. They expressed their distaste for the current state of women’s rights and implored their fans to do more than just share disturbing videos.

The singer ended by pointing out that our voices are important and useful. “If you’re mad in this audience right now, and you’re sharing statistics on Instagram and infographics and saying … ‘That’s really f–ked up,’ what you should do instead is you should be sharing stories about how you’ve benefited from abortion somehow.”

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