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Judd Apatow Thinks A Superbad Sequel Would Have Fans McLovin It

Home / Entertainment / Judd Apatow Thinks A Superbad Sequel Would Have Fans McLovin It

By Russ Weakland on May 12, 2022 at 4:00 PM EDT
Updated on May 12, 2022 at 4:16 PM EDT

In a world of constant sequels and remakes, one cherished comedy has never seen a continuance of their story, and that is the classic teen comedy Superbad.

If it was up to director Judd Apatow, he would gladly get the band back together to follow the characters on a new adventure in college, but when it comes to the cast of Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen and Michael Cera, they have a completely different idea on any sequel plans all together.

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Jonah Hill Would Only Do A Superbad Sequel When He Is 80

Jonah Hill arriving back at his hotel seemingly unaware of a large rip in his trousers

Though the first film made over $170 million in theaters back in 2007, talk of doing a sequel has been shot down over and over. In an article with W Magazine, Hill talked about the only way he would ever do a Superbad sequel saying, “I haven’t pitched this to anybody. What I want to do is when we’re like 80, do a ‘Superbad 2.’ Like, ‘old-folks-home Superbad.’ Our spouses die, and we’re single again. That’s what I want ‘Superbad 2’ to be, and that’s the only way I would ever make it.”

Though that sounds amazing, Hill is currently 38 and we don't think anyone will want to wait 40 years or more for a sequel to the original film, no matter how funny that idea seems to be the likelihood of Hill's idea coming to fruition is probably pretty slim.

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But to note, looking at Hill's latest Instagram that you can see here it appears he might be having a change of heart posting a throwback picture on set of Superbad with the caption BBS, which in internet slang means Be Back Soon. So we'll see.

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Seth Rogen And Michael Cera Want Nothing To Do With A Superbad Sequel

Seth Rogen

Hill’s thoughts aside, fellow co-stars Michael Cera and Seth Rogen are more focused on not doing a sequel at all. Rogen who not only starred in the film but also co-wrote Superbad told LADBible in 2020 that, "I think of all the movies we've ever made, Superbad is the one I'd 100 percent probably never touch. Honestly, I don't think it requires improvement or anything to be built upon it. I'm unbelievably proud of it, it really holds up - people still watch it, high school kids come up to me telling me that they watched it for the first time and how they loved it. It's worked its way into being viewed as one of the better high school movies that's out there. I'm so terrified of subtracting from it in any way with a bad sequel or spin-off that I'd never do it. I have so few actual good accomplishments that I'm horrified to fuck with the ones I have."

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And Cera, who played the iconic McLovin character mentioned earlier this year that the cast including himself would be, “staunchly against” any sequel when he talked about it with Esquire’s Explain This series.

And that takes us to Judd Apatow's dreams to make it actually happen and possibly even change everyone's minds to do it sooner or later. But even Apatow knows that it is a tough road ahead.

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Judd Apatow Doesn't Understand Why Superbad Stars Won't Return

Judd Apatow at the 2021 LACMA Art Film Gala

During a recent interview Apatow did with the “Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum” podcast, he was bewildered on why Rogen, Cera and Hill would not want to do another movie even adding his idea for a sequel saying, “I know that Jonah said, ‘Oh it’ll be funny to do it when we’re 70 or 80,’ but I really wanted them to do a ‘Superbad’ in college where Jonah flunks out of college and just shows up and visits Michael Cera at college.”

Funny idea in itself and though fans have been clamoring for a sequel and would love to see more from the Superbad team, it looks like everyone is very much determined to stick to their guns and with their feelings and their ideas and won't budge from them to actually do a sequel.

With that being said, the chances of a Superbad sequel might be mute but we are also talking about Hollywood and anything can happen and often does even years and decades after the fact. So whatever side of the coin you are on, make sure to have those fingers crossed to make sure you still get your way because there is bound to be more and more conversations about a sequel forever.

But for Judd's case, we wish him the best of luck to somehow get it done.

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