Taylor Swift 'Obsessed Fan' Plows His Car Into Her NYC Home
By Mike Walters on January 27, 2022 at 2:07 PM EST
Updated on March 16, 2022 at 5:34 PM EDT
Taylor Swift is lucky to be unharmed after an obsessed fan crashed his car into the front of her NYC home, prompting police to arrest him on the spot.
According to law enforcement, a man was observed driving the wrong way down Taylor's street in New York City and driving his vehicle straight into the front of her building. Apparently, the man was attempting to contact the singer, and while reversing his car plowed into a fire hydrant and her apartment.
The obsessed fan told the police on the scene that he was not going to leave the area until he spoke to Taylor Swift.
Man Arrested For Crashing His Car Into Taylor Swift's Building

During the incident, the alleged perpetrator got out of his car and walked up to the intercom to speak with the singer. While mumbling about Swift, he attempted to rip it right out of the wall, and photographs show the wires hanging from the busted device.
A witness of the accident called 911, and NYPD arrived on the scene arresting the man. Sources say they decided to take the person to a nearby hospital, most likely for a psychiatric evaluation. After investigating the incident, police believe the person was also intoxicated and is facing possible charges of DWI and criminal mischief.
At this point, it's unclear if Taylor was home at the time. The singer has homes in several parts of the country and travels back and forth from east to west coast.
Taylor Swift Victim Of Several 'Obsessed Fans' Attempting To Enter Her Homes

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Swift has dealt with obsessed fans showing up at her pad in NYC. Back in August, a 28-year-old man from Nebraska attempted to enter the same building and was arrested for criminal trespassing.
During the incident, the man entered the building through an unlocked door, and security was forced to call 911 after releasing he had no permission to be in the building. The person allegedly told police he was in love with Taylor and was there to make contact. The person actually took a bus all the way to NYC to confront the singer. Luckily, Swift was not home at the time.
As we reported, obsessed fans have been arrested in NYC, Rhode Island, and Beverly Hills for trying to contact Taylor Swift. The singer owns properties in all three locations.
Taylor Swift Fan Arrested In Possession Of Crow Bar, Lock Picks, And Metal Bat

In 2019, Taylor dealt with a much scarier situation in Rhode Island, after a man was arrested outside of her home with a bat, gloves, lock picks, and a crowbar.
The 32-year-old man was busted after reports came in of him acting suspiciously at a part near her neighborhood. The person was carrying a backpack with a metal back sticking out. The person told police he was simply trying to meet up with Swift to help with his music career. Shockingly, after searching the man, cops found a cache of burglary tools including 30 lock picks, a crowbar, a flashlight, screwdrivers, and a rake.
At this point, it's unclear if NYC authorities are holding the person who crashed into her home on some sort of mental evaluation. But, we are guessing Swift is preparing to file a civil restraining order to keep him away from the property.