'90 Day Fiancé' Star Hospitalized For 'Heart Attack' Symptoms After Selling Farts
By Mike Walters on January 4, 2022 at 4:13 PM EST
'90 Day Fiancé'star Stephanie Matto has been hospitalized after experiencing extreme chest pains, believing it could be caused by a heart attack.
According to multiple reports, Matto was rushed to the emergency room after feeling "shooting pains" in her chest. The reality star believed she might die at any moment, and believed it to be a stroke or heart attack.
As we reported, Matto made HUGE headlines in the past few weeks after revealing she made $200,000 online selling her farts. That's right, Stephanie produced over 50 jars a week filled with her gas, sold the products online at a huge profit. Unfortunately, it turns out her new business caused major health issues for the reality star, who was told her diet of primarily beans and eggs was causing "very intense gas pains."

Doctors performed blood tests and an EKG on the '90 Day Fiance' star and reportedly told her the pains were caused by excess gas from her diet. "I thought I was having a stroke and that these were my final moments," she told Jam Press.
She continued, "I could tell that something was not right that evening when I was lying in bed and I could feel a pressure in my stomach moving upward. It was quite hard to breathe and every time I tried to breathe in I'd feel a pinching sensation around my heart. And that, of course, made my anxiety escalate. I actually called my friend and asked if they could come over to drive me to the hospital because I thought I was experiencing a heart attack. I ended up going to the hospital that evening. I didn't tell my doctors about the farting in the jar but I did tell them about my diet."

In the end, she claims "I was advised to change my diet and to take a gas suppressant medication, which has effectively ended my business."
Of course, this is great news, considering the alternative which could have been a major medical issue. But, the reality star is being forced to retire from her lucrative business of loading up on gas and selling it.
As we reported, Stephanie made a fortune after using small glass jars to capture herself passing gas, and selling them on an adult-themed website. At the time, she admitted to adding beans, eggs and protein shakes to her diet -- knowing it would help drive up business. "I think that certain foods produce better smelling farts, so I usually tend to go with the smoothies as opposed to things such as cabbage and eggs," she said.

The good news, it's not over yet! The reality star is now getting into the NFT market -- and selling her "fart jars" as digital pieces of art -- instead of the actual air itself.
We are guessing if anyone is actually willing to buy a fart in a jar, they will be willing to drop a few bucks on a digital art version too!
Good Luck, Steph!