Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death

Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death

Home / Breaking News / Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death

By Mike Walters on January 3, 2022 at 6:58 PM EST
Updated on March 16, 2022 at 5:48 PM EDT

Rob Kardashian is joining protestors asking for "justice" in the killing of a 14-year-old girl, who was shot by an officer of the Los Angeles Police Department.

The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star shared a petition on Instagram, asking for L.A. prosecutors to hold the individual officer personally responsible for killing the young girl.

As we reported, the young girl was killed inside a Burlington Coat Factory in North Hollywood, after a bullet from the officer's assault rifle traveled through a wall -- and into her dressing room. At the time, police were responding to a male suspect who was assaulting people inside the store. A 911 call to officers originally came in as an active shooter.

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The reality star posted the petition which is demanding all camera footage of the incident be released and the L.A. District Attorney file involuntary manslaughter charges against the officer who pulled the trigger.

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Rob Kardashian Pushes Millions Instagram Followers To Sign Petition For Valentina Peralta

Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death

"We demand that the police body camera footage be released, Burlington store camera footage be released, and that involuntary manslaughter charges are levied against the officers who recklessly opened fire and shot and killed an innocent 14-year-old child. We demand that Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon bring charges against Officer William Dorsey Jones Jr., who shot and killed Valentina Orellana Peralta," the petition reads.

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As you can imagine, the shooting has sparked a major debate on if the officer was justified in his shooting. A spokesperson for the police union says the officer was simply following active shooter protocol, which calls for legal force if a suspect is in the act of possibly harming or killing another person. In this case, initial footage indicates the suspect was actively beating individuals in the store with a bike lock.

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Protestors Asking For Criminal Charges To Be Filed Against LAPD Officer

Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death

Rob Kardashian didn't issue any specific statement in regards to the situation, but, appears to be asking his almost 3 million Instagram followers to sign the petition.

The 14-year-old girl's mother broke her silence on the tragic death, describing how she cradled her little girl in her arms after she was shot by officers. "I tried to wake her up by shaking her, but she didn't wake up," her mom said. Adding, "To see a son or daughter die in your arms is one of the greatest pains and most profound pains that any human being can imagine. Valentina meant the world to us, to her family, to her friends, and to her schoolmates. And now our sweet angel has left forever."

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The owner of the social media app, COMMUNITYx, [hosting the petition] addressed the situation, saying, "We cannot allow for these things to go unresolved." Adding, "Police Officers must be accountable for their bullets."

Rob Kardashian Joins Protest Against LAPD Over 14-Year-Old's Death
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Again, it appears Rob Kardashian has no official connection to the case -- but, is hoping his large social media following will join in the fight to have the officer fired and prosecuted. At this point, no charges have been filed against him.

The investigation is ongoing.
