Happy Birthday Stan Lee: Comic Book Legend Would Have Turned 99 Today
By Kristin Myers on December 28, 2021 at 8:54 PM EST
Comic book writer, editor, publisher, and producer Stan Lee was born on December 28, 1922, which means that he would have been turning 99 today. Unfortunately, the “Spider-Man” creator passed away in Los Angeles in November 2018, when he was 95.
“Today, Stan would have turned 99,” said a statement from Stan Lee’s official Twitter account. “The colorful characters & thrilling tales he created captivate & entertain fans & will do so for generations to come.”
Stan Lee co-created Iron Man, the Hulk, the X-Men, and other Marvel comic book superheroes that have since come to life on the big screen. Many actors took to social media to wish the late comic book writer a happy birthday.
William Shatner, Mark Ruffalo & More Wish Stan Lee A Happy Birthday

Actor Kevin Smith tweeted, “Today would’ve been the 99th birthday of a truly great one - the spectacular salesman who co-created the @Marvel heroes & stories that continue to shape pop culture, even long after he shuffled loose the mortal coil. Excelsior to hero and friend @TheRealStanLee! I miss you, man.”
“The Incredible Hulk” actor Mark Ruffalotweeted, “Thinking of Stan Lee and everything he’s done for our extended Marvel family today.”
Actor William Shatner tweeted, “My friends, today @TheRealStanLee would have been 99 years young. I want to celebrate his life and remember him by getting the hashtag #STANLEE99 Trending. Will you help me?”
Writer Tom Akeltweeted, “Happy birthday to the Immoral @TheRealStanLee! I'm forever grateful for his brilliance, kindness, immeasurable wit and wisdom, and friendship. Here is a bit of that wisdom I've always loved, on what would have been his 99th birthday.” He included a link to a video of Lee saying, “Everybody wants to live to a ripe old age, but nobody wants to be old.”
The Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation tweeted, “'Another definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people’s well-being and will go out of his or her way to help them – even if there is no chance of a reward.' - Stan Lee, the comic book legend who would have been 99 today.”
Stan Lee 'Inspired Us All To Be Greater'

Vice President and Creative Director at Marvel Games, Bill Rosemann, tweeted, “Happy Birthday, Stan!” along with a photo of the late comic book writer saying, “Excelsior! In memory of Stan Lee who inspired us all to be greater.”
Found of hip hop apparel company FUBU Daymond Johntweeted, “Happy BDay to the late @therealstanlee. I had the honor of representing and getting to know Stan the last couple of years of his life. It is truly one of the highlights of my career. It’s great to know that his body of work will continue to entertain us and inspire us forever.”
One fan wrote that they missed Stan Lee and how he used his comics “to spread such important messages, of hope, unity, and fighting for a better world. His heroes are so great and bring such joy, and inspired me to try and do the same.”
Another fan wrote, “The year that Stan sadly passed I was lucky enough to see him at a convention in Arizona. It was amazing to see the joy this man still had for his beloved characters. Seeing him interact with fans was a gift because of how passionate he was even in his old age. Absolutely amazing.”
Although Stan Lee may be gone, his legacy continues to live on.