Halle Berry Responds To Obsessed Fan Who Accused Her Of Harassment
By Mike Walters on December 8, 2021 at 4:37 PM EST
Updated on March 16, 2022 at 6:22 PM EDT
Halle Berry is responding to an obsessed fan who accused her of harassment, simply pointing out she doesn't even know this individual.
According to new legal documents, obtained by The Blast, the 'Bruised' star filed a legal response to a restraining order filed against her in Los Angeles County Court, by a man who made several confusing and untrue allegations against the actress. In the filing, Berry points out that the person admits to not knowing her and not meeting her, so she is asking that the case be dismissed.
Interestingly, cases like this one often don't get a response from the famous person it's filed against -- but, in this case, she did.
"Ms. Berry agrees she does not know [the person]. She has never had any communications with him -- whether electronic, electromagnetic, or otherwise. She does not recognize his phone number, mailing address, or email address and she has never spoken with, texted, or emailed him," the response reads.
Halle Berry Files Legal Documents To Dismiss Restraining Order By Unknown Man

In the original restraining order, it appears the person claims Halle is communicating with him via an alternate form of frequency. Her legal team responded to the allegation saying, "She is not familiar with the electromagnetic frequency method of communication among people and does not know whether this is a scientifically recognized form of communication."
In this case, the person filed "transcripts" purportedly of Halle andBill Gates, but provides no evidence it is actually involving the two famous individuals.
It continues, "[He] has presented no evidence that Halle Berry engaged in any conduct that he complains of. He purports to present "transcripts" of recordings of these offending communications with passages attributed to Ms. Berry, but he provides no evidence that the voice on these recordings is actually Ms. Berry's voice. [He] also contends that the alleged electronic harassment is being "perpetrated against me by Halle Berry and Bill Gates" and purports to ask Bill Gates a question to which Ms. Berry supposedly responds 14 seconds later. Ms. Berry does not know Mr. Gates and certainly has not conspired with him to deploy electronic frequency harassment toward [him.]
Halle Berry: This Doesn't Make Sense!

"None of the so-called transcripts even make sense," Halle's response says. Obviously, she writes, "If there is a person harassing [him], and it is not clear from the petition whether this is any harassment, that person is not Ms. Berry. [He] has not supplied any motive for Ms. Berry to harass him."
A judge will not make the decision of whether to dismiss the case.
Last night, Halle made huge headlines at the 4th Annual Celebration of Black Cinema & Television receiving a career achievement award and thanking her boyfriend -- Van Hunt -- in the acceptance speech.
'Bruised' Star Thanks Boyfriend During Acceptance Speech For Career Achievement Award

"You know I finally found love this year everybody. Even though you all have been on this painful journey with me," Halle joked. "You watched me fail and fail and fail. And besides directing my first movie, I also found the love of my life and I know it's true and this is how I know it's true."