Oscar Isaac Goes Nude Again, This Time For 'Dune'
By Rima Pundir on October 26, 2021 at 5:10 PM EDT
Never have we seen so much of Oscar Isaac, considering he did a full-frontal shower scene with Jessica Chastain in HBO's limited series, "Scenes from a Marriage." But he's not stopping there, because there's more of him to see in the long-awaited and much-talked-about adaptation of Frank Herbert's sci-fi odyssey, "Dune".
"Dune" is finally on the big screen and streaming on HBO Max, and featured Oscar Isaac as Duke Leto Atreides, father to Timothée Chalamet's Paul. And even in "Dune", Isaac is letting it all hang out. Well, almost.
Isaac Got The "Fluffers"

There's a very important scene in the movie, after which Paul has to rise to the fore. Leto is betrayed by Dr. Yeuh, who exchanges him, believing he will be able to save his wife's life (but he dies instead). Leto is captured by the villain, the up-to-no-good Baron Harkonnen (well played by Stellan Skarsgård), and is laid out on a table, near Christ-like in repose.
Unknown to the Baron, Leto has a false tooth which when crushed, releases a poisonous gas in the air. It's a scene redolent of sacrifice, and in an interview, Isaac speaks of it, "That was exciting because in the book I've always loved this idea because you've also seen him so buttoned-up, and in control, and suddenly he's just this vulnerable Christ-like figure that's about to be sacrificed, I thought it was shot so beautifully."
This Is How Oscar Isaac Prepared For The Scene
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In the movie, Leto is injected with a paralytic drug by Dr. Yeuh, and he is laid out on a table, stark naked and vulnerable. Since he is paralyzed, the only acting Isaac could do to portray Leto's angst, was through the eyes. But it's the naked part that catches our interest.
When asked how he prepared for the scene, Isaac was quick to answer, "an army of fluffers". He continued saying, "I just bear it all, I had a c**k sock, so I was protected and everyone else was as well."
In any case, Isaac seems to have git on-screen nudity down to a pat.
Strangely "Unsexy"

Isaac has quite the fan following, especially with the fairer sex. So it's not a surprise to see him nude onscreen, but it's surprising to see him do nudity in scenes that are the least titillating.
With Jessica Chastain, in "Scenes from a Marriage", Isaac's nudity is a post-coital shower, highlighting the mundanity of married life. And in "Dune", Leto is a tormented captive, about to take his revenge, in a scene that will give you the shivers, but not in a sexy way.
But that's Isaac for you. A man, doing his bit, in what was considered mostly woman's domain in Hollywood. Till Arnold Schwarzenegger came along in "Terminator" and blew everyone to bits with his sinful body and nude scene. Of course, even he could not match up to Isaac's full, er, frontal potential.