YouTube Star Deji Fires Back at Cops and Neighbors Over Dog Attack: 'What You Did Was Straight Theft!'
By TheBlast Staff on September 15, 2018 at 11:17 PM EDT
YouTube star Deji Olatunji is fuming mad and believes his neighbors and the local police are both lying over an alleged dog attack that has left him without his beloved Tank.
As The Blast first reported, a representative for the Cambridgeshire Constabulary tells us they seized Tank after his neighbor alleged there were two incident where the dog attacked them. A spokesperson said "one of the incidents resulted in injuries to a member of the public that were described as 'serious.'"
Deji posted a new video on Sunday calling BS on both his neighbors and the police. He claims the neighbor did not suffer a serious injury, saying, "If Tank wanted to freakin’ rip her leg off, he would have. He literally nipped her ... She went home from the hospital the same day!"
He claims to have never seen any injuries from the alleged second attack and claims his neighbor tried to kick Tank to provoke an attack. Deji describes the whole ordeal as "a quick cash grab."
Deji's original YouTube video was called "THE POLICE STOLE MY DOG" and he doubles down on that, calling what the cops did "straight theft."
Police previously told The Blast that Tank "remains in police approved kennels until a charging decision is made by the Crown Prosecution Service, of which we are currently awaiting."
Deji has been rallying for his pet's safe return with a petition to #FreeTank that has amassed over 280,000 signatures.