Wendy Williams' Son Arrested for Punching Father After Kevin Hunter Puts Him in Headlock
By TheBlast Staff on May 22, 2019 at 2:47 AM EDT
11:45 AM PT -- Sources close to the situation tell us the fight between the Kevins occurred in a store parking lot near their home in New Jersey.
We're told they were arguing about the divorce with Wendy Williams, and Kevin Jr. called out his dad for the treatment of his mother.
Our sources say Kevin put his son in a headlock, and when the kid broke free he punched his dad in the face. We're told they did not call the cops, but somebody did place a call so police later responded.
We're told Kevin Jr. was arrested and released from custody a short while later.
The drama between Wendy Williams and her estranged husband, Kevin Hunter, has spilled over to the rest of the family as the talk show host's son has gotten into a fistfight with his father.
Sources close to the situation tell The Blast, Kevin and 19-year-old Kevin Jr. got into a physical altercation this week. We're told it was so bad, cops were called, but it's unclear if anyone was arrested.
Officials in Essex County tell us the situation is currently under investigation.
As we reported, the breakup between Wendy and Kevin has been anything but amicable. The former executive producer of "The Wendy Williams Show," recently got ousted from the production and is no longer Wendy's manager.