Does anyone remember young Rue from the first “Hunger Games” movie?

Amandla Stenberg is in talks to appear in a new “Star Wars” series!

Stenberg, who identifies as non-binary, is in talks to appear in “The Acolyte.”

The upcoming series will take place in a timeline never before explored in “Star Wars” films.

It is set during the High Republic era, before Darth Bane developed the Rule of Two.

For reference, the High Republic era ended about 50 years before “The Phantom Menace.”

In “Star Wars” terminology, an Acolyte is a novice Sith in training under a Sith Lord.

It was announced at Disney Investor Day in 2020.

Kathleen Kennedy touted the show as a “mystery thriller” that will explore “Dark Side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.”