The Scream franchise is one of the most iconic horror film franchises, and it has produced five excellent movies.

Actress Courteney Cox has played Gale Weathers for all five movies, and fans are curious whether she will be in the sixth film.

Cox teamed up with Neve Campbell and David Arquette to unveil the masked killer in the first Scream film.

Cox was asked if she would be interested in playing Gale in the recently announced Scream 6.

She avoided revealing whether her character survived Scream 5 and said making the film was a fun experience.

She also said the original Scream director, the late Wes Craven, would be proud of the new directors, Tyler Gillett and Matt Betinelli-Olpin.

Cox clarified that the fifth film was not a continuation of the franchise but a relaunch of the series.

In Scream 5, Deputy Dewey died, leaving only Cox and Campbell as the original Scream actors.

Cox has confirmed her interest in returning for Scream 6, but Campbell is yet to indicate interest.