Oprah Winfrey was questioned concerning her marital status and her decision to remain childless.

Winfrey explained why she chose not to have a child in an interview with People’s magazine.

She said she initially wanted to have a child, but her show helped her see all the things that could go wrong as a parent.

Winfrey said that she had no regret concerning her decision to stay unmarried.

She felt like if she and her partner Stedman Graham had gotten married, they wouldn’t have stayed as long as they had.

Winfrey was a mother as a teen due to being sexually assaulted and raped by her 19-year-old cousin.

She gave birth to a boy as a result, but he died after two weeks.

Winfrey told David Letterman that although she has buried her feelings surrounding the death, the experience gave her a new life.

She said she if she has the power to change anything, she wouldn’t change anything from her past.