Mark Hamill spoke up against the “Don’t Say Gay” bill on Twitter.

In typical Hamill fashion, he tweeted the word “gay” 69 times and a rainbow emoji.

However, he later revealed a screenshot saying that he had been reported for the tweet.

“Twitter is required by German law to provide notice to users who are reported by people from Germany via the Network Enforcement Act reporting flow,” the message read.

However, the investigation revealed that he was not under any violation of Twitter rules or German law.

“Thanks for informing me of the complaint from the German people,” Hamill tweeted.

“I had no intention of violating the Network Enforcement Act,” he added.

He added that he was “relieved to learn that tweeting the word ‘gay’ 69 times with a rainbow emoji is NOT subject to removal.”

Many fans applauded his positive LGBTQ+ stance.