Betty White passed away earlier today, but fans are not forgetting her legacy!

Betty White has shared some remarkable quotes over the years, especially on old age.

White revealed that her mother used to tell her, “The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.”

“Animals don’t lie,” White said. “If animals have moody days, they handle them better than humans do.”

“You can lie to others – not that I would – but you cannot lie to yourself,” White said.

“I’ve always liked older men,” White admitted. “They’re just more attractive to me. Of course, at my age, there aren’t that many left!”

When asked how she felt about people being called a legend, White replied, “I just laugh. Have I got them fooled.”

When talking about the secrets to old age, White revealed, “There’s no formula. Keep busy with your work and your life.”

“You can’t become a professional mourner. It doesn’t help you or others. Replay the good times. Be grateful for the years you had.”