Emmy and Tony award-winning actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth struggled with Chronic Migraine and thought she might have to retire from her career.

Chenoweth first experienced migraine symptoms during a performance with the Virginia Symphony at 25.

The actress initially mistook the symptoms for severe headaches, similar to those her mother had experienced, but was later diagnosed with migraines.

She tried various treatments without success until she started using BOTOX, which helped to prevent the onset of migraines.

This treatment has been crucial in maintaining her career and personal life, including her upcoming wedding, without the disruption of migraines.

In addition to BOTOX, Chenoweth manages her condition with a plan that includes moderating her salt and alcohol intake and ensuring she gets enough rest.

Sharing her experiences with others, including her colleagues, helps Chenoweth cope with her condition and spread awareness about migraines.

Dr. Larry Charleston highlights the importance of proper diagnosis and management of Chronic Migraine, which affects about 3.3 million people.

Chenoweth has partnered with AbbVie on the “Center Stage with Chronic Migraine” program, aiming to help and empower people living with the disease.

The program offers resources and information about Chronic Migraine and its management, including the use of BOTOX.