Actor John Amos has accused his daughter, Shannon Amos, of being the "primary suspect" in his elder abuse investigation.

Shannon started a GoFundMe to raise $500,000 for medical assistance and legal fees for John, which he initially disavowed.

John has now acknowledged that he's a victim of elder abuse, pointing to Shannon as the primary suspect.

In a video, John claimed that Shannon has taken advantage of him.

Shannon previously filed a state complaint alleging John was a victim of elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.

Despite the accusations, John insists that he is in good health, contradicting the claims made in the GoFundMe campaign.

The GoFundMe campaign, which John suggests is illegitimate, has raised over $13,000, but remains far from its goal.

John's son K.C. publicly stated the GoFundMe was unauthorized by John.

Fans and followers are expressing concerns over the conflicting statements and the ongoing investigation.

The Custer County Sheriff’s Office, along with other agencies, is currently investigating the elder abuse allegations against Shannon.