Jay Leno is lucky to be alive following a freak car explosion in his famed Burbank garage.

The veteran late-night talk-show host suffered a terrifying accident on Sunday, November 13th.

The fire erupted after one of Leno’s cars suddenly burst into flames — without any warning.

The unexpected explosion happened when Leno was working on a clogged fuel line on his 1907 White Steam Car.

Gasoline got onto Leno’s face and hands, and at the same time a fuel leak and spark occurred igniting an explosion.

He suffered “serious” third-degree burns to his face and hands, and it’s so bad he could need a skin graft.

A skin graft is a patch of skin that is removed by surgery from one area of the body and transplanted, or attached, to another area.

Leno’s life was saved by his friend Dave who immediately jumped on the comedian and put out the flames.

He was rushed to a nearby burn center via ambulance. Speaking to the outlet, Leno said he expects to be hospitalized for five to ten days.