Ireland Baldwin explains why she chose to stand by Travis Scott following the tragic event that happened at his concert in Houston.

She says she was “confused as to how something like that is even possible,” but admits that Travis’ shows incites “moshing and chaos,” as per her past experiences attending the events.

Ireland pointed out that what made her speak up was the misinformation that went rounds online, particularly on sites like Tik Tok and Snapchat.

The model related the recent tragedy to her father’s shooting accident in the set of his “Rust” movie by writing, “I was personally 'triggered'...

Ireland, whose boyfriend is also a musician, noted that Travis may have been completely clueless of what was happening among the concertgoers while he was on stage.

The actress also explained that the festival organizers should’ve had better strategies to prevent these problems, but according to her, “people in the entertainment industry will cut corners to save a buck.”

Ireland called out The Daily Mail for making false news about her.

Ireland told haters: “you’re wasting your time calling me names.”

She also added that “news on Snapchat and Tik Tok” are not reliable.