Diego Luna played Cassian Andor in 2016’s “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”

Unfortunately, his character met his end on Scarif retrieving the Death Star plans for the Rebellion.

Luna never thought that he would be invited back to a galaxy far, far away.

However, he is now starring in a new Star Wars Disney+ series called “Andor.”

The two-season series consists of 24 episodes that focus on Cassian’s story 5 years before the events of “Rogue One.”

Luna told EW’s Star Wars podcast, Dagobah Dispatch, that he never expected to return for a prequel series.

He called “Rogue One” a film he “had to enjoy” because he knew it had a beginning and an end.

He said the same for “Andor,” knowing that the last episode leads directly into the first few minutes of “Rogue One.”

When asked if he would return for a prequel of the prequel, Luna called it “impossible,” joking, “I’m not getting any younger.”