Delilah Belle Hamlin shared an amazing news on Instagram today.

The model took to her Instagram Story and shared a video wherein she announced her 6 months sobriety.

Delilah had a difficult health journey last year.

She revealed all the illnesses in a video uploaded to her Instagram feed in November.

She was diagnosed with SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Epstein-Barr, PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections), among others.

Delilah also admitted she overdosed on Xanax accidentally.

According to her, the psychiatrist “overprescribed me with one medication that one of my friends takes like 10 milligrams, and he gave me like 20 milligrams three times a day, and then he gave me 3 milligrams of Xanax a day.”§

She continued: “So my body got dependent on Xanax number one, and number two, I overdosed. I didn’t mean to at all.”

Delilah added: “I overdosed on this one medication called propranolol. I took Benadryl with it, and for some reason, I ended up in the hospital.”