Jessica Chastain recently opened up about her experience during her trip to Ukraine in August.

She met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and spoke to him about the country’s situation at the time.

Other celebrities like Ben Stiller, Mila Kunis, and Angelina Jolie have visited the country since Russia’s attack.

Chastain revealed to Jimmy Kimmel that the aftermath of the war left her speechless.

She recalled visiting and having lunch with some families affected by the way and was shocked to see the bullet damage to their homes.

President Zelenskyy was worried that the rest of the world would forget about the war in a few months.

Zelenskyy also revealed his fear that Russia would cut off Ukraine’s electricity supply during the fall or winter.

Chastain is willing to use her platform to help amplify stories about the war and urged people to talk about it too.

Zelenskyy thanked her and all the other celebrities for visiting Ukraine and supporting the country.