James Corden should take a page out of Conan O’Brien’s playbook.

And we are not talking about his late-night talk-show playbook. We are talking about Conan’s kindness playbook.

The former host of “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” reportedly took drastic measures when his employee decided to be rude to restaurant staff.

A former writer on Conan’s show revealed on Twitter that the red-headed comedian once fired someone due to their poor behavior toward a restaurant worker.

Todd Levin wrote for “Conan” from 2010 to 2020.

He explained how his boss became annoyed when an unnamed employee got “impatient and rude” with waitstaff.

“At CONAN there was a crew member who was fired because Conan witnessed him being impatient and rude to a server at a restaurant,” Levin tweeted.

Levin tweeted this one day after news of Corden’s abysmal behavior toward several restaurant workers surfaced.

Conan has not addressed Levin’s tweet or claims.