The Blast

Celebrities and Politicians Caught in Pandora Papers Leak

Mike Walters

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists just released a report of leaked secret financial information.

The report involved 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries. The leaked records open a ‘Pandora’ box of financial secrets.

The report contains almost 12 million files on hundreds of celebrities, politicians and assorted billionaires.

The Pandora Papers follow  a similar release from 2016 called the “Panama Papers” compiled by the same journalist group.

The report alleges that they have been hiding their investments in mansions, yachts and other assets for a quarter-century.

The list of current and former politicians, celebrities and billionaires include some of the following: 

King Abdullah II of Jordan has at least three dozen shell companies helping him purchase 14 homes worth over $106 million in the U.S. and the U.K. 

Former U.K prime minister Tony Blair acquired an $8.8 million Victorian building in 2017 by buying a British Virgin Islands company that held the property.

His wife's law firm is now housed in the building.  The two bought the company from the family of Bahrain’s industry and tourism minister, Zayed bin Rashid al-Zayani. By purchasing the company instead of the building, Tony and his wife saved over $400,000 in property taxes according to the report.

The singer Shakira, who is already accused of not paying her taxes in Spain, allegedly created offshore entities in the British Virgin Islands for her assets. 

The report contains almost 3 terabytes of data mostly ranging from 1996 to 2020. More details will continue to be released over the next few weeks.