Tommy Lee's Son Under Investigation for Battery, Rocker Feared He Had a Gun
By TheBlast Staff on March 6, 2018 at 5:48 AM EST
Tommy Lee's bloody brawl with his 21-year-old son became so heated, that the drummer told cops he was worried about his son pulling a gun on him.
Law enforcement sources tell The Blast immediately after claiming his son had punched him in the face, Tommy told officials that Brandon Lee had access to firearms, and that he did not know where they were at that point in time. The meaning behind the revelation suggests that he was worried Brandon may follow up his alleged attack with escalating force.

We're told once cops arrived, they took a battery report. As of now, Brandon is the one under investigation for battery.
Tommy was transported to the hospital for the punch to the face. As we previously reported, Tommy posted a photo of his injury and said that his "heart was broken."