Tess Holliday Hits Back at Piers Morgan: My Cover Shouldn't Impact 'Your Small Minded Life'
By TheBlast Staff on August 30, 2018 at 12:25 AM EDT
Tess Holliday is firing back at Piers Morgan for body-shaming her Cosmopolitan cover, saying the British star shouldn't "worry about my fat ass!"
The plus-sized model went off on Twitter on Thursday after she caught wind of Morgan slamming the magazine for using her on the cover.
"To everyone saying I’m a burden to the British health care system, I’m american so you don’t have to worry about my fat ass," she wrote. "Worry about what horrible people you are by whining about how me being on the cover of a glossy magazine impacts your small minded life."
This is in direct retaliation to an Instagram post by Morgan.
Sharing Tess' cover, the host slammed the UK's Cosmo for praising the size 22 model at a time he calls an "ever-worsening obesity crisis."
"Apparently we’re supposed to view it as a ‘huge step forward for body positivity.’ What a load of old baloney," he wrote. "This cover is just as dangerous & misguided as celebrating size zero models."
This controversy definitely dampened the excitement for Tess, who posted earlier in the day, "If I saw a body like mine on this magazine when I was a young girl, it would have changed my life ?."
