Tesla Driver Gets Auto-Pilot Ticket Dismissed After 'Driving' With Feet Out Window
By TheBlast Staff on March 6, 2018 at 7:23 PM EST
A DJ who got busted for driving while on his cellphone, and with his FEET HANGING OUT THE WINDOW, just got off the hook because his car was self-driving and he was merely along for the ride.
Grammy-nominated producer, DJ Klypso, tells The Blast last year he was riding on the 101 freeway in his Tesla Model S on auto-pilot when he was pulled over by the California Highway Patrol.
Klypso, who was filming himself on his cellphone while the car was moving, was cited for operating a cell phone while driving and also driving at unsafe speed for traffic conditions. The video is pretty great, the CHP officer does a double take before pulling over the vehicle.

However, when Klypso showed up to court Tuesday in Los Angeles, he was able to get the ticket dropped! He tells us the judge dismissed both violations after he brought supporting evidence that the Tesla auto-pilot drives 100% on its own, and accurately monitors speed while on the freeway.
The robots are getting smarter ... but score this win for the humans!