Safaree and Tyga Create Booming Business for Celeb Hair Surgeon After Giving Plug
By TheBlast Staff on August 15, 2018 at 2:05 AM EDT
During the online battle that exposed Safaree and Tyga as patients of hair restoration, one man emerged as a true victor -- the doctor who got a major shout out!
The Blast spoke with Dr. Craig Ziering, who says his "phone has been ringing off the hook" ever since T-Raww gave props to the hair specialist and told his over 5 million followers to "Tellem Tyga sent u."
It all came to fruition during Nicki Minaj and Safaree's heated Twitter fight that included the Queen calling out her ex-BF over an alleged faulty transplant. She accused Safaree of going to the same doctor as Tyga, and said, "Tyga shit ain’t fall back out!!!! Y’all went to the same doctor!"
However, we're told Safaree did not go to Dr. Ziering, who has been providing hair services in Hollywood for the past 28 years. The rapper also later clarified that he just got his hair done the same day as Tyga but with a different doctor.
Tyga eventually came clean and revealed who saved his hair, but Dr. Ziering prides himself on "Keeping all clients confidential, especially in Hollywood." However he tells us he appreciates the plug and has seen a big uptick in all aspects of their business.
We're told the doctors at Ziering Medical have an expertise in hair for "all ethnicities," and know how important "sharp, crisp edges" are in the African American community.