Kanye West's Inner Circle Worried About Erratic Behavior After He Proclaims 'Yeezy Is the New Apple'
By TheBlast Staff on April 24, 2018 at 4:14 AM EDT
Those closest to Kanye West believe his mental health may be in serious jeopardy and are pointing to an outburst during a recent studio session as a major red flag.
A source who was present for the studio rant tells us Kanye shouted to the entire room, including his team, that he didn't need a bunch of people with "titles" around and that he would "do it all myself," referring to the handling of his career and brand. He was adamant that all Yeezy business would be "handled in-house," meaning by him only.
Kanye allegedly wrapped up his rant by announcing, "Yeezy is the new Apple."
Many of Kanye's top advisors were unsure how to handle the outburst, and one source tells us, "We are all worried about his current mental health."
Yeezy's inner circle is mainly comprised of those who helped him recover after his breakdown in 2016 that landed him handcuffed to a hospital bed and caused the cancellation of the Life of Pablo Tour. However, we're told Kanye West is now distancing himself from those same people.
It's unclear what prompted the sudden change of heart about his confidantes, but those closest to the star believe he may be suffering from another "episode."
Our sources say that Kanye's recent public comments aren't "making a lot of sense" to his team, who first thought his downpour of tweets and faucet of thoughts were just PR for his upcoming album. We're told his friends and advisors now believe he may be spiraling into a dark place.
Kim Kardashian even tried to do some lighthearted damage control after the rapper made comments about getting "rid of everything" in his life that was a distraction. Our sources say Kim continues to be Kanye's "rock" and has been very understanding and helpful when it comes to his health.
Even more alarming was Kanye's alleged discussion with Hot 97.1's Ebro, where he claimed to have been abandoned by his closest allies while battling an opioid addiction. We're told the rapper did not have an opioid addiction, and at the time was hospitalized after suffering from extreme paranoia when he didn't sleep for over 48 hours. He was diagnosed with an acute mental illness and even used the diagnosis as his defense in the lawsuit against Lloyd Of London over the insurance money for the canceled tour.
Ebro also claimed Kanye West said he loved President Donald Trumpand our sources say those closest to him are furious he would publicly support alt-right pundits like Candace Owens. The artist's recent views and comments have started to build backlash, as some feel he's lost touch with the hip-hop community ... while others are worried he's losing much more.